Sentences with phrase «hundreds of games»

These are the people who will try every game they see, filling up their hard drive with hundreds of games just to try.
Since then I have collected hundreds of games for various consoles.
It's difficult to get noticed, though, when hundreds of games release on so many different platforms daily.
Otherwise it will be a pain to search through hundreds of games to find the good ones.
And certainly how many hundreds of games you all played, and how epic they were.
I've reviewed hundreds of games, and some have been a real pain in the ass, for sure.
If you own a tablet, you have access to hundreds of games made just for your kitty!
To truly measure the effect of crunch, we would need to look at a large sample, ideally involving hundreds of game projects.
We've played hundreds of games where the protagonist is motivated by revenge for the murder of his family so seeing it here didn't do much for me.
There they can explore hundreds of games, e-books, videos, music and more, and send their favorites right to mom or dad's email.
As a player, enjoy hundreds of games created by our community, by people just like you.
Besides the fact there are literal hundreds of games with the same intentionally bad low - poly visual style out there, the game doesn't feature a lot of background variety.
With it will go hundreds of games, many of which aren't available anywhere else.
Hundreds of games later... I have legit attachments to my players.
The handheld may be entering the sunset of its life, but it has a library with hundreds of games that your children will love.
I've played hundreds of games, written about hundreds more, and loved it.
There are literally hundreds of these games on the market right now, and the majority of them don't deviate too far from the core mechanics of a standard Bullet Hell experience.
I play hundreds of games in a given year, so it's not often that I come across a new release that truly surprises me.
With a library of hundreds of games ranging from casual puzzle games to ports and remastered classics, and from unheard of indie gems to groundbreaking milestones in gaming, the XBLA has become an important place for any type of game to succeed and find an audience.
With hundreds of games on sale, and even some that will be seeing an official Xbox One X update.
Introducing some chatter between humans and artificial intelligence improved the amount of collaboration — and results — across hundreds of games
There are hundreds of games available on the Wii and new ones are coming out all the time.
A few months ago for my Games and Digital writing module at university, I found myself sifting through hundreds of game art images to add to a Pintere... Read More
Dirt cheap to buy (always under # 15 [$ 19], and what seems like hundreds of games but actually only had 11 full releases in PAL.
Attendees were able to play hundreds of games at the event, including Metal Gear Solid 4, Super Smash Bros.... -LSB-...]
Along the bottom of each page lurks quotes from hundreds of games as well so you can impress (or embarrass) your friends by quoting famous lines from games, much to the shame of your family.
A quick wander around a chunk of a game in a busy room packed with hundreds of gamers probably isn't the best place to experience a game like Lake Ridden.
Right now it might not seem like much with only 20 NES games but several years from now when it contains hundreds of games from varies Nintendo and hopefully third party systems like Genesis and TurboGrafx again, it'll be a pretty damn good deal.
«When you've produced hundreds of games, you go through a cycle that most indie developers don't get to go through, right?
Playstation Now, Xbox Games Pass, EA Access and more allow gamers to try and buy hundreds of games for a monthly fee.
Talk description: «In today's crowded games market that sees hundreds of game releases each month, getting overlooked is one of the biggest threats for indie games.
The Indie MEGABOOTH works with hundreds of game studios across multiple global showcases per year, including industry events such as the Game Developers Conference and E3, along with their first ever co-organized indie convention with BitSummit in Kyoto, Japan.
According to the company hundreds of games are already running on SteamOS, and plenty of Triple A titles currently in development are being designed to run natively with the operating system.
Jord Farrell, known on the internet as MrTedders, has created hundreds of games over the past couple years.
When I worked for PlayStation, I took hundreds of game pitches.
I play multiple Insteuments abs Sing I'm really into bands like but not limited to A Perfect Circle and the like Iplay hundreds of games I prefer fighting and Hack and Slash
When the Xbox 360 first launched, you could always find hundreds of games of UNO at nearly any time of day.
There were literally hundreds of games announced at E3 for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One which will not show up on Wii U. Sure we know EA had already abandoned the console, with exclamations that the engine that powers their most exciting games unable to run on Wii U, but now Ubisoft has abandoned the console too?
At the moment Valve claim hundreds of games are already running on their operating system.
Seeing an animation that you haven't seen before after literally hundreds of games highlights the amount of work that has been put into Fifa 09.
I found myself wondering about all the other games that make you backtrack, the Metroidvanias, the Zeldas; hundreds of games employ backtracking.
Hundreds of games flood the market each and every year, so many different titles, so many...
The allure of having access to hundreds of games via the PlayStation Now streaming service was more appealing in my book.
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