Sentences with phrase «hundreds of individuals»

I have cast the faces of hundreds of individuals from different parts of the world.
During this time his Keep It Simple Resumes have helped hundreds of individuals with many different backgrounds find their next career opportunity.
In my years of experience working with hundreds of individuals with these problems, I have found the answer is a combination of toxicity and deficiency.
I have represented hundreds of individuals in divorce, child custody, child support, complex property division, and paternity cases.
Unfortunately, many people do not file a lawsuit because they fear the cost, preventing hundreds of individuals from receiving the compensation they need and deserve.
Our firm has successfully represented hundreds of individuals facing drug offences.
They end up spending hours analyzing each and a portfolio of hundreds of individual stocks.
The event featured representatives of 23 companies offering 1,000 jobs, and was attended by hundreds of individuals.
After writing customized resumes and cover letters for hundreds of individuals, there is one thing I have found.
Over the years the company grew to employ hundreds of individuals at any given time.
This can all be accomplished without having to pick potentially dozens or even hundreds of individual company stocks.
We adding to the long list of quality events we have produced over the years, including the promotion of hundreds of individual artists and countless programs.
Just one index fund is comprised of hundreds of individual companies.
As each ETF is composed of hundreds of individual bonds, no individual bond will be a meaningful position in the overall portfolio.
These tiny yet infinitely intelligent little birds are capable of learning literally hundreds of individual words — far more than some birds who are two to three times their size.
We have successfully assisted hundreds of individuals identify their true career aspirations, create winning resumes, and generate that sought after job offer!
Able to oversee and manage hundreds of individuals while ensuring timely completion of projects with strategic impact.
Last year, hundreds of individuals participated by fundraising for their favorite sanctuary or program from the comfort of their own homes.
They then tested hundreds of individual cancer cells for each of the mutations to determine their genetic fingerprint and place them into cancer's family tree.
In addition, hundreds of individual young, luminous stars can be seen throughout the galaxy.
One benefits is that you can browse hundreds of individual ads of people with the same interest; currently someone outside their own competition.
A stock mutual fund, for example, might own hundreds of individual stocks.
There are hundreds of individual games involved in a unique evolutionary struggle dating back to 1980.
Though it's dominated by open studios — where hundreds of individual artists open their doors — it's no longer just an artist - centric affair.
And, in the context of these reviews, the invoice is being held up against hundreds of individual billing and process rules.
One of the most respected and trusted recovery programs for the Fear of Driving and Test Anxiety anywhere, in use by professionals and literally hundreds of individuals worldwide.
We have helped hundreds of individuals acquire a job within the shortest possible time.
And hundreds of these individuals did well enough in their interviews to get the job.
Through her vast experience in screening and writing resumes, interviewing job seekers, and teaching career search strategies, her expertise has helped hundreds of individuals achieve both personal and career growth.
I've met with and supported hundreds of individuals, and I always start right where you are.
We provide this service to hundreds of individuals throughout our region each month.
Hundreds of individuals receive services each year and stay on average of five days.
They work with hundreds of individuals on a daily basis helping them to explore career options and transition into a new role.
As a career coach, I've assisted hundreds of individuals (in virtually every sector and function) to gain confidence and become more effective at identifying and marketing their strengths.
A mutual fund company has a very small number of choices, an ETF investor can easily invest in hundreds of individual stocks as well as ETFs.
His Painting Books, compiled over the course of nearly 40 years, describe in detail the creation of hundreds of individual works.
Patrick has also represented hundreds of individuals who have suffered serious physical injuries as a result of the negligence of others.
The former are made up of hundreds of individual LEDs, which iluminate and turn off to adjust to the road conditions and avoid dazzling other drivers.
With a combination of more than 60 years of experience in handling divorce cases in New York, our firm has helped hundreds of individuals through very difficult divorces.
As unions matured, their leaders realized that it is more efficient to lobby state legislatures on particular workplace provisions than to negotiate the conditions into hundreds of individual contracts.
«The coral die - off has caused radical changes in the mix of coral species on hundreds of individual reefs, where mature and diverse reef communities are being transformed into more degraded systems, with just a few tough species remaining,» said co-author Prof Andrew Baird of Coral CoE at James Cook University.
This icy thriller played in just 106 theaters last winter and grossed almost $ 250,000, a more than respectable annual salary for an individual but less than game - changing for something toiled on by several hundreds of individuals, which even a small movie like this is.
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