Sentences with phrase «hundreds of photographs»

We walked the entire rim trail, and took hundreds of photographs of the snow and the weird rock formations below.
This camera took hundreds of photographs, capturing one of the most precious moments seen in snow leopard conservation.
He'll take inspiration from hundreds of photographs of buildings that he's collected over the years.
Once found, often hundreds of photographs are taken of these environments and the objects that inhabit them.
It consists of more than 600 pages of historical and academic writing about her life and art, and features hundreds of photographs of her work.
When she's not blogging, she can usually be found sitting in the garden, drinking coffee, eating cake, playing with her children, and taking hundreds of photographs.
A filmmaker turns forensic detective as she pieces together hundreds of photographs in search of what she believes to be a buried history, only to find herself inside the story she is researching.
Looking through hundreds of photographs from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which will go on show at the Whitechapel Gallery in London this month, I find myself unable to follow the curators» lead.
In this film, Pennell turns from filmmaker to forensic detective as she pieces together hundreds of photographs in search of what she believes to be a buried history, only to find herself inside the story she is researching.
He showed hundreds of photographs, mounted all the way from skirting board to ceiling.
Nearby, hundreds of photographs acted as permanent testaments to McDonald's life and those he touched.
The team also used a technique called photogrammetry, where hundreds of photographs taken from all angles of an object are sewn together into a 3D representation.
Clemson University and the National Park Service have partnered to digitize hundreds of photographs from the early days of our nations» natural treasures.
Jesse Rissman of Stanford University and his colleagues showed participants hundreds of photographs of faces, and then scanned the participants» brains an hour later while viewing the same faces and some novel ones.
The movie's appeal extends to the manner of its construction; it's an almost hypnotic kind of hybrid animation in which hundreds of photographs of Hicks in various poses and at various stages in his life are grafted onto two - dimensional backgrounds.
These enormous cliff like features have become a interesting feature of the area and their colours and transformations have visitor's admiring them as well as taking hundreds of photographs daily.
He combined hundreds of photographs to create multi-viewpoint «photographic drawings» of groups of his friends in 2014.
Lil Picard and Counterculture New York will be accompanied by a state - of - the - art interactive web site, which will include hundreds of photographs of both Picard's artworks and the artist with art - world friends.
G. Gibson Gallery invites you to discover hundreds of photographs from over thirty international galleries.
He undertakes this task partly through hundreds of photographs taken from airplanes, cars, and the public side of many a chain - link fence, partly through the direct, accessible prose of a man who appreciates the history, engineering, and aesthetics of such wonders as barn hay hoods, grain elevators, oil pipelines, and the ventilation towers of the Holland Tunnel.
The show mostly consists of paintings, though there are a couple of installations like Art of Hanging Pictures (2002), a salon - style wall of photographs and ink - jet prints, and Baobab Ensemble (2003), a loosely arranged seating area, the floor of which is strewn with hundreds of photographs and books.
In the 1930s, Geoffrey Jones took hundreds of photographs of cars he encountered.
From his Close - ups series, Schoeller takes hundreds of photographs in rapid succession.
Last night I looked through hundreds of photographs of us, our home, our family, Briana as a baby, old pictures and new.
Taipei - based artist Shih Yung - Chun paints scenes from everyday life, taking inspiration from hundreds of photographs, but there's an element of the bizarre in all his crafted narratives — his subjects always seem to occupy themselves with strange activities.
Building onto the content of Cornwell's previous book, the new 570 - page edition includes eight additional chapters and hundreds of photographs, letters, sketches, and more.
El Món Neix en Cada Besada (The World Begins with Every Kiss): From a distance, this mural of a kiss could easily be mistaken for graffiti, however as you get closer, you will notice that it's made up of hundreds of photographs that have been taken by locals and express freedom in some way.
Razed, the mod's creator, has worked tirelessly to bring it together — having spent over 1,200 hours (50 full days) of work on the project, and having pored over 40 hours of video footage research, hundreds of photographs, and having wandered down the real life streets of Los Angeles and neighbouring settlement Salton Sea via Google Street Maps more times than he can recall.
During two separate week - long sessions between 1979 and 1981, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe took hundreds of photographs of bodybuilder and model Lisa Lyon.
The façade of the Royal Academy is currently draped in a giant collage: his largest work to date, it is comprised of hundreds of photographs of the RA's history, in an attempt «to bring the inside outside».
Working from hundreds of photographs, Alexis details each element of these majestic edifices.
Even though it was cashing in on the whole «Swingin» London» phenomenon, it is in fact a very large book, hundreds of pages long, and a compendious and serious overview of British painting since World War II, written by Bryan Robertson and John Russell and copiously illustrated with colour reproductions and hundreds of photographs of the contemporary art world — artists, teachers, gallerists etcetera — taken by Snowden, many of them superb.
For Flow System, Blasco has taken hundreds of photographs of the Palisades, the Palisades Interstate Park and the George Washington Bridge from points in New Jersey, Washington Heights, Inwood and the Bronx.
Photographs by Cy Twombly Paintings by Cy Twombly Gagosian Gallery Friday, April 27 — Saturday, June 9, 2012 Opening reception: Friday, April 27th, from 6 to 8 pm In tribute to the late Cy Twombly, Gagosian Gallery is proud to present his last paintings and one hundred of his photographs, ranging from early studio impressions from the 1950s to a group of landscape subjects that he took in St Barths last year.
To prepare for this show at Richard Gray Gallery, Gibbs visited Chicago and took hundreds of photographs of the
Spano takes hundreds of photographs a day and combines selected exposures into a complex composite forms.
In typical Tillmans (and Serpentine) fashion, the exhibition is wonderfully hung, building a gestalt from hundreds of photographs, personal detritus, and assorted ephemera.
For instance, if you have hundreds of photographs that you wish to show at trial by PowerPoint, you can have them authenticated by affidavit and ruled admissible before trial.
Aside from being gobsmacked by the scenery and taking hundreds of photographs of it, we were jazzed by sitting a spa in the snow at our hotel — as the steam swirled around us and the stars twinkled overhead — and by going snowmobiling for two hours in the forest.
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