Sentences with phrase «hundreds of suppliers»

Smith notes that B&P Littleford focuses on engineering design and final assembly, which is why the company works with hundreds of suppliers.
The alleged conduct, first revealed by Fairfax Media, included Woolworths seeking to reduce its expected profit shortfall by seeking about $ 60 million in payments from hundreds of suppliers.
One of Nugville's biggest customers, Anglo Platinum, a Johannesburg mining company that has hundreds of suppliers in South Africa, had joined the Quadrem network earlier that year, so it made sense to follow suit.
Bett 2018 will be showcasing hundreds of suppliers, bringing together the most innovative, practical and impactful products.
Because of this, we've been able to ramp up to a good size (with hundreds of suppliers and customers already on board) in double - time.»
Find electronic components from hundreds of suppliers.
More than a hundred of our suppliers have seen more than doubled volumes so as we improve our business, so we see our suppliers benefiting too,» he said.
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