Sentences with phrase «hundreds of thousands of jobs»

Hundreds of thousands of jobs in the next two decades will be created in the switch to renewable energy.
Come to us for resume samples for hundreds of thousands of jobs, cover letter samples and an array of other helpful career resources.
In reality, though, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs available — many of which seek bright, young graduates.
Through these investments, we've already produced or protected hundreds of thousands of jobs.
There are hundreds of thousands of job search websites on the web today — each with its own hook, niche, or special feature.
The Claim: In September 2011 Premier Clark began making promises about creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in British Columbia.
According to him, the setting up of these factories across the country will, not only, commence the rapid industrialization of Ghana's economy, but also, will result in the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs needed by the masses of unemployed Ghanaian youth.
Heidi Hartmann, the president of the Institute for Women's Policy Research, says women in retail lost hundreds of thousands of jobs over the last year, and men gained more than 100,000 jobs.
The Business Council of British Columbia is a non-partisan association made up of 260 leading companies, post-secondary institutions and organizations from across BC's diverse economy, which collectively support hundreds of thousands of jobs across the province.
Vote Solar's Executive Director Adam Browning issued the following statement on the decision: «America's solar industry enhances our national security and has created hundreds of thousands of jobs across all fifty...
He added: «The project will free up vital space on our railways for passengers and freight, generate hundreds of thousands of jobs and deliver better connections between our towns and cities.»
«If we increase taxes on the highest incomes, scrap expensive and irrelevant projects like Trident, transfer money from roadbuilding to public transport and get tough on tax avoidance and evasion, we could afford a major public investment programme that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs while transforming the economy to help tackle climate change.
The setting up of these factories across the country will, not only, commence the rapid industrialisation of Ghana's economy, but also, will result in the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs needed by the masses of unemployed Ghanaian youth.
«This long - term extension of the solar tax credits will create a domestic solar industry with hundreds of thousands of jobs while providing clean, affordable, carbon - free energy to millions of American families, businesses, and communities,» said Resch.
The Washington Post Fact Checker gave the Chamber's dire prediction that the Clean Power Plan would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars Four Pinocchios, the rating received for only the most egregious whoppers.
Earlier reports by the Empire Center for Public Policy indicate that raising the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour would lead to hundreds of thousands of job losses, higher prices and higher taxes.
The steel industry has shed hundreds of thousands of jobs in the country in the past two decades, partly because of automation and partly because of a flood of production from China, which has driven down global prices to a level where some American mills can not compete.
DENVER — The first report in the Energy Institute's Energy Accountability Series finds that proposals from Hillary Clinton and other politicians to ban oil, gas, and coal production on federal lands and waters would cost America hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in revenue.
«They've cut hundreds of thousands of job and training places for the unemployed so what they're doing is pushing people onto the dole and that means there's going to be more people on benefits, not less, as a result of their proposals.»
Cuomo, a Democrat, said the programs have brought hundreds of thousands of jobs to the state.
They want us to get the deficit down but not if it risks hundreds of thousands of jobs in the private construction sector.»
Republican Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan is close to a «Faustian pact» with Democratic Gov. Cuomo to raise the state's minimum wage to a national high of $ 15 an hour — boosting union power and possibly costing New York hundreds of thousands of jobs, The Post has learned.
Many hundreds of thousands of jobs across the whole United Kingdom depend on Britain being a competitive place... Our aim will be to extract the maximum sustainable tax revenues from financial services.»
Chancellor George Osborne has ordered cabinet ministers to draw up plans for the 40 per cent spending cuts, which will include slashing services and axing hundreds of thousands of jobs.
The economic - stimulus package that Congress passed two years ago preserved hundreds of thousands of jobs in the nation's public schools but, with the economy still sputtering, the future of many...
The tar sands, he continued, will add hundreds of thousands of jobs to the Canadian and US economies, and add $ 1.7 trillion to Canada's GDP over the next 25 years.
Opponents counter that the global warming law is producing hundreds of thousands of jobs in a new green economy as investors pour billions of dollars into companies manufacturing everything from solar panels to electric cars.
Bureaucratically administered mandates, taxes, and special interest subsidies will drive family incomes down by thousands of dollars per year, drive up energy costs, and eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs.
In North Carolina alone, we lost hundreds of thousands of jobs as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
When you consider that some of the world's most famous companies were started by immigrants to a country, there is a real risk that governments slowly throttle the business environment that fostered these companies to start up in the first place and create hundreds of thousands of jobs along the way.
And while I've written about this so many times, it will never cease to amaze me, the disconnect between the seemingly hundreds of thousands of jobs available and the number of people who can't seem to find a job.
It is the hub of the Cedar Valley Region, home to approximately 70,000 people, and the location of hundreds of thousands of jobs in government, manufacturing, education, healthcare, retail, and other industries.
Exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) nearly quadrupled in 2017, making the U.S. a net natural gas exporter for the first time in nearly 60 years and supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs across the nation.
He is the man who took us into the Exchange Rate Mechanism, destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs, had people evicted from their homes and led to the destruction of businesses for the sake of his failed European policy.
O'Toole said the airport is pressing ahead with the investment in recognition of the strength of the northern economy and the potential for hundreds of thousands of jobs to be created in the coming years.
Two thermometers into corporate brains plunged to depth not seen since the trough of the financial crisis when the US was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month.
The U.S. solar market has created hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans and, until recently, has seen record growth year - over-year.
Ford reiterated some of those concerns and said bankruptcy may not be the best option for the sector, especially as it leaves the future of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the hands of a single bankruptcy judge.
My goals are to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy and to help make humanity a multi-planet civilization, a consequence of which will be the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs and a more inspiring future for all,» the statement read.
«This is a long - term commitment that supports hundreds of thousands of jobs, not only at Boeing but also throughout the aviation supply chain.»
For example, if the government decides that climate change doesn't exist, «then we as entrepreneurs just got to get in there and and fill the gap and and create hundreds of thousands of jobs and make sure that» we're living in a carbon - neutral world by 2050.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs are tied to the sector.
This production generates billions of dollars in revenue for state and local governments and the U.S. taxpayer, while supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs.
My goals are to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy and to help make humanity a multi-planetary civilization, a consequence of which will be the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs and a more inspiring future for all.
During the heated debate that proceeded its enactment, prominent economists and U.S. government officials predicted that NAFTA — a trade agreement aimed at liberalizing trade between member countries — would lead to growing trade surpluses with Mexico and that hundreds of thousands of jobs would be created.
If you look back at 2008, anyone can easily take note of the fact that hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost, many couldn't afford to eat, pay their bills and rent, thus losing their homes.
To elevate Cebu City, Philippines, to a world - class startup city and catalyze the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs (tech and non-tech) in the Philippines.
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