Sentences with phrase «hungry again»

You'd think feeding your children three courses at 4 pm would suffice as dinner, but no, they started moaning about being hungry again at 7.30 pm.
Incredibly, we were hungry again after the show and grabbed pizza and nibbles from the Promenade Cafe, plus complimentary champagne, and returned to our suite to admire that fabulous view again.
Some babies prefer small feedings every hour and some can wait three or four hours before getting hungry again.
But an hour later you're hungry again.
As the iconic and climactic scene of Scarlett O'Hara vowing that she'll never be hungry again suggests, the movie resonated with Depression Era audiences because of what it said about their experiences: it is about fighting for survival.
It made us hungry again.
When you are feeling hungry again, there are literally hundreds of eateries to choose from.
Don't ever take flight or leave the Philadelphia International Airport hungry again.
Cats that come here know that they never need to feel afraid or hungry again.
We suggest looking for a mature large breed dog food with a moderate amount of calories, plenty of protein, and enough fat so your dog won't feel hungry again too soon.
«As we all know from eating Chinese food and being hungry again two hours later, white rice causes a quick energy boost followed by a crash,» says Dr. Nelson.
The high level of carbohydrates tends to cause cats to become hungry again sooner.
Your pet will never go hungry again.
During that month, there was very little sleep for them because by the time the last one was fed, the first was hungry again
I always figured she had to fight for her food when she was a stray and she doesn't want to be that hungry again.
She will be satisfied with less food rather than filling up on «fillers» and feeling hungry again soon.
«Rice is good if you have an active dog that needs a short, quick burst of energy, but you need to have a backup carb source for your dog as well, or else once that wears off, your dog will be hungry again,» she adds.
As a low - glycemic grain they are slow to digest and keep your dog feeling full so he won't get hungry again right after eating.
I loved being 22 and hungry again, with a 22 - inch waistline, so desperate to succeed and equally...
But now, no matter how much she eats, she's almost always hungry again in an hour.
East Sixth also offers unusual food trucks and the occasional sighting of actor Bill Murray, which is perfect since I'm somehow hungry again and a huge «Ghostbusters» fan.
You never have to go hungry again if you follow these tips for creating a mini-pantry in a desk drawer or filing cabinet.
Making good on Scarlett O'Hara's vow, she and her clan will never be hungry again, thanks to a shrewd move that forced the game - makers to accept both her and fellow tribute Peeta Mellark (Hutcherson) as winners.
When we think of capital - G, capital - A Great Acting, we go right to the grand displays of force: Marlon Brando howling for Stella, Vivien Leigh swearing to God that she'll never go hungry again, Daniel Day - Lewis theatrically slurping up that milk shake.
They've sounded stuck and overconfident before, but this old - school - styled, true hip - hop album finds the Mobb hungry again.
He was hungry again, and the result was one of his best pictures to date, if not his best.
The joys of writing food posts is reminiscing back to what you ate and then getting all hungry again haha!
I am also super proud of her because she is able to sleep from 9PM to about 5AM straight before she wakes up and gets hungry again.
I am the biggest sucker for Thai food, and even though I just ate breakfast, you've got me hungry again Kate!
It's like dim sum; great to eat, but you feel hungry again after a couple of hours.
This is a super healthy way to start the day, and I guarantee you won't be hungry again for a long while.
I just finished my breakfast but the chicken and pasta made me hungry again!
But after a couple of wears, you're going to be hungry again.
Curry paste, coconut milk, garlic, ginger, asparagus... oooh I am hungry again!!!
I'm already hungry again.
We started getting pretty hungry again after the Panda Exhibit (love love love!).
Eating a normal dinner about 6 pm but SHEESH I'm HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY again in a couple of hours.
If you crammed a croissant while you were cramming for an exam, you probably noticed that you were hungry again just minutes later.
And I'd still be hungry again in a couple of hours.
I don't know if you've heard the saying «fart and you'll be hungry again,» but that's how I feel about most smoothies.
It also means you feel hungry again faster.
Your pro-biotics will never go hungry again!
I make a large smoothie (16 oz at least, usually) each day around mid-morning and I'm often not hungry again until late afternoon.
If consumed before meals, coconut oil decreases appetite while increasing satiety (the amount of time before you feel hungry again).
So if lunch comes early, expect to be hungry again.
Two to three hours after your breakfast, you'll probably start to feel hungry again, and it's important to eat a little something to keep your energy up.
The slower you digest your food, the longer the time lapse before you feel hungry again.
Let's face it — none of us likes to eat «health food» that takes forever to prepare, tastes like grass, and leaves you feeling hungry again an hour later.
Other breakfast foods that are high in sugar and fat may spike your blood sugar for a little while, but then you feel hungry again an hour later.
The carbs in the meal are raising blood sugar which makes you feel like you are hungry again even though you just consumed a huge dinner and had no need for food anymore.
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