Sentences with phrase «hunting land animals»

Simpler than any cliched Hemingway-esque metaphor between man and beast, I experienced the pure sport of fishing, and the excitement that comes with wresting a large fish from the depths of the water with only a thin pole and a bit of bait, a surprising feeling for someone that abhors the thought of hunting land animals.
Animals used on farms make up the majority of those raised and used by humans, with an estimated 33 billion land animals alive at any given time.18 This estimate is more exact than any other we will consider, since governments conduct counts of livestock in order to understand and regulate local economies.19 However, this is a somewhat similar undercounting to what we saw for lab animals: fish and shellfish are not counted, and in some areas they are raised for consumption in large numbers.20 The estimates also neglect other animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet change.

Not exact matches

There is the persistent allegation that the high - velocity bullet destroys a lot of meat (it does if poorly placed), shatters on impact with twigs (high - speed bullets are not generally good for brush - hunting) and has a muzzle blast that frightens farmers who might otherwise be willing to allow hunters onto their land, even though a disintegrating high - velocity bullet is far safer to farm animals and people than a ricocheting.22 rim fire.
However, land use changes, hunting and overexploitation of forests threaten these animals, and thereby also their contribution toward forest regeneration.
Growing concern over the dwindling number of plant and animal species has led to a hunt for ways to save them, and in the past decade, the idea of maintaining wildlife corridors — strips of land to connect these sanctuaries — has become popular among conservationists.
Then, they calculated how well those variables predicted four common modes of human land use in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia: farming, sedentary animal husbandry, nomadic wandering, and hunting and gathering.
He re-told the familiar tale of the evolution of land animals from ancient fish, and then considered the return of various groups of reptiles, birds and mammals to an aquatic existence: ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, crocodiles, sea - snakes, penguins, whales, dolphins and porpoises, manatees and dugongs, and seals — as well as polar bears, otters and water voles, who hunt in water.
before white man came to Australia the Aboriginals had small family units and each had «custodianship» of their land and an animal they were forbidden to hunt so their land was a «nursery» for the surrounding areas.
For the Mahlemiut Eskimo, survival depended upon being able to hunt for food and in this new land without animals, many died of starvation.
A large area of Nosara's land has been turned into a protected area and there is a moratorium on hunting animals.
Likewise, outside of battling, players can gather extra loot, hunt wild animals or even purchase hideouts scattered throughout the land.
Discover relics, hunt exotic animals, play mini-games, and travel fast by land, sea or air.
Even though some polar bears are hunting on land more often in areas hit by shrinking Arctic sea ice, a diet of bird eggs and berries can't sustain these huge animals, a new study finds.
When we think of poaching, we tend to focus on land animals being illegally hunted toward extinction, but a similar event is happening to fish in the sea.
if the land is used for hunting and signposted as such and the traps are for wild animals, are deployed only for the period of the hunting and signposted at the location then that is probably reasonable.
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