Sentences with phrase «hurt feelings when»

Many agents compromise relationships due to hurt feelings when their friends or family don't use them.
This can then lead to conflict or hurt feelings when a partner feels misunderstood or «like you don't get me.»
Model conversations are idealized but artfully crafted — «I guess it hurt your feelings when your sister wouldn't let you play with her and her friend... you still can't stand outside her door and scream like that, sweetie» — and provide an entire vocabulary for the book's philosophy.
But there is more to consider than hurt feelings when you end a marriage.
I hurt his feelings when I announced that he is just a minor annoyance.
It hurt your feelings when you came to see that I knew things about stock investing that you did not know.
No wasting time being disappointed with your date, no hurt feelings when you have to call it a day.
He said that I hurt his feelings when I asked him to get a full time job.
It always hurt my feelings when he pointed out that I wasn't good enough or whatever else.
Besides, it's odd to suddenly care about hurt feelings when I'm pretty sure telling half of FBS they don't have a shot at the national title no matter how well they play is more hurtful to those feelings than winning 59 - 0 instead of 49 - 0.
So basically what you are saying is that we should accept bigotry from christians because it hurts your feelings when we don't.
I just don't think loving the club and being disinterested about the players is a viable attitude, however necessary we may feel it right now as a personal protection mechanism from the hurt we all feel when players we love, yes, I'd call it love — someone may as well say it!
Respond by saying, «That hurts my feelings when you call me names.
When your kids share their feelings and vulnerabilities with you, they're sharing them with you, and it hurts their feelings when you share their secret confidences with your friends over a cup of coffee, so don't do it!

Not exact matches

When the stakes are high, you have to move forward again despite feeling hurt and insecure.
The hurt and fear your employees feel when you tell them they've been let go.
«I think one of the things that this team is lacking that hurts them the most is not having the true leaders like we had last year and guys that, when things go bad... I feel like when things go bad, this team struggles a little with bouncing back and making good plays.»
When you at first try to embark on the change, it feels very uncomfortable and might even hurt.
The way she explains it, in a phone call with Inc.: «I can feel when people are hurting
«There are times when all of us have been sensitive and sometimes feelings get hurt,» Parker said.
«When you trigger someone else into feeling hurt, bullied, abused, disrespected, etc., chances are they are going to oppose your point - of - view out of principle, even if it's a good idea.
Mr. Trump himself, we are told, has a volcanic temper, a toddler's restraint and likes to be in bed by 6:30, scarfing down cheeseburgers while monitoring cable news on three televisions and calling his billionaire friends to complain when CNN hurts his feelings.
One word that makes us happy: Progress [21:21] We grow because that helps us give more — share it with someone you love, it magnifies it [22:04] More excited about feeding one billion people than any material thing, so much more meaning when it's not just about you [22:19] The challenge is our brain: it's looking for what's wrong, because that helps you survive [22:30] Peak state = high energy, feel extraordinary, producing results is easy [22:46] Low energy state = say things and do things that hurt your relationship [23:39] Peak State = Beautiful state, Low - energy state = suffering state [24:08] Over achievers don't suffer, right?
When he resorts to that, I honestly picture him as a 12 year old girl trying to hurt the feelings of a classmate.
As a Christian, I find that I make the same mistakes atheists make; I resent people typecasting me just as others do, I get my feelings hurt when people bash me for no reason, I get angry when I see selfish, mean people attacking others needlessly, and I hate war, death, and cruelty where ever it is found.
But when 1.6 Billion human beings say don't hurt our feelings by drawing cartoons (good or bad) of a person who is closer to our hearts than our own families and children, all the tolerance goes down the you know what.
Our instincts are such that we feel bad when other people are hurt and we try not to cause that to happen.
It risks confrontation, resentment, hurt feelings, and so on, so in a lot of interactions when someone is wrong the other person just politely nods his head in agreement and then proceeds to ignore everything the person said.
We may mean well when we rush in to try to fix a leaver's hurt or quell their doubt, but lurking just beneath that motivation is our desire to silence the discomfort we may be feeling at their words or actions.
Faith it is hard going through trials the secret is knowing that the Lord is your strength because we do nt have any.We get angry and blame God for our circumstances because we feel hurt and alone.But he has helped me when i was up against a wall that i couldnt overcome but in his strength i was able.He will get you through this time if you let him just believe brentnz
Of course there are bound to be feelings of hurt and anger when life treats you harshly.
People usually try to recreate childhood experiences in adulthood hoping for a better outcome and they end up feeling as hurt as they did when they were a child.
Mrs. Oak discovers, when she begins to be able to express her real feelings, that she has been hurt «inside,» and has not been able to admit it.
And I speak up when a few vocal evangelical leaders say hateful things about LGBT people or encourage bullying or condone misogyny because I feel like I have this investment in the community and it's important for those invested in the community to speak up when its leaders are hurting our witness to the world... But I'm not sure I can do that anymore.
Thinking that you are always right and everyone else is wrong will indeed hurt your ability to interact with and love on your neighbors — but don't blame a wrong spirit on theology; there is precious little possibility that you could think and feel like that about yourself when it comes to theology and NOT think and feel like that in pretty much all situations with other folks.
Or are you like others that malign just because a few people got their feelings hurt when Mark pointed out that their lives are not in accordance with God's Word?
For those of you who are interested in reading the arch of a sad, sad bitter life, crusie through the remarks by «the son a Piper man» aka Tom Tom, Stands for nothing, hates everything, curses when left with nothing to say, then hysterically claims victory for hurting someone's feelings, and stands for nothing, but will gladly point out your poor syntax, grammar and spelling errors like a weary retired 3rd grade teacher.
We fall for anything, hate everything, curse people to heII when left with nothing to say, then hysterically claim victory for hurting anyone who's not a Christians feelings, while standing for bigotry and racism, but will gladly use poor syntax, grammar and spelling errors like a weary retired 3rd grader.
Whether out of guilt or ignorance or simply because they do not want to hurt the feelings of blacks, whites are notoriously inept when it comes to talking with blacks about blacks.
When ever I say something, and later see how it could have hurt someone, I feel very bad.
ALICE: I felt really hurt when Bill said he thought we were all just whining — that we really don't feel angry and hurt.
Martin i have been thinking about what you said about craig martin and myself and often when i write i also feel the tears and i used to be embarrassed about that its not something guys usually do.But when it is the holy spirit working in our hearts he is prompting us because he cares whats going on in peoples lives we do nt these people but the holy spirit does and sometimes weeps for them because they are hurting he understands.So sometimes when i write its his words that i write so its as if he was speaking to them..
Sometimes the truth hurts when it's thrown smack dab in your face but I know for one thing, I have the fear of God in me and anyone who says God is not in control, I feel sorry for you on judgement day.
In the same way, when God calls us into forgiveness, may we be ready and willing to extend an olive branch, and may we extend it first even if we feel robbed or otherwise hurt.
Since they day I heard it (back when it happened) I felt very hurt and sad because of what you endured.
Most of us can testify to the sense of hurt we have felt when someone with whom we thought we were in close rapport in some group of friends — or in family life in the narrower sense — demonstrates by act that he or she does not really very much care for us.
When the truth hurts, those that feel the pain often react with anger.
When I was a believer, if someone were to claim my god was immoral, I would feel deeply offended and hurt.
What she really means is, «I feel hurt when you hide in the newspaper instead of talking to me.»
Feel free to list away, don't be overly hurt though when your claims are further debunked.
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