Sentences with phrase «hurtful experiences»

Although painful at times, the reward of couples therapy can far outweigh the discomfort when often years of hurtful experiences get supplanted by positive responses in a marriage or love relationship — changes that help both partners feel the other is predictable in a positive way.
This pain is caused by lies you are believing due to your hurtful experiences.
You are wondering about whether your past hurtful experiences are affecting your parenting and your relationship with your child.
The program focuses on the needs of mothers who find that these hurtful experiences are making parenting difficult.
Dealing with your emotions and venting past hurtful experiences and traumas is hard.
We can all be so cruel and selfish and I would expect it's due to lack of getting over hurtful experiences, of which I am equally guilty of... once, long ago.
I wish all of us could let our own hurtful experiences help us feel compassion and empathy for our brethren as you expressed in your post.
Feeling ignored at work is a silent but hurtful experience.
I'm not saying they did anything wrong, just that it was a hurtful experience for me and showed me where they were coming from.
First, partners report they have apologized, but their hurt partner keeps bringing up the hurtful experience.

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Rooted in cultural inequities and beliefs connected to hurtful past experiences, the Imposter Syndrome embeds untruths that can cripple even the strongest among us.
In my own life experience, the slimiest, most deceitful and hurtful people have been self - proclaimed «good Christians».
We experience God and revelation as perennially - unfolding, which means there's always room for new ways of understanding divinity and sacred text, especially when the old ways of understanding them (e.g. antiquated readings of Leviticus 18:22) turn out to be hurtful or to seem misguided.
To be told those experiences are «platitudes and statements... that mean absolutely nothing» is, I would say, kind of harsh and hurtful.
Women filled my inbox with stories — beautiful and horrible, hurtful and empowering — about their experiences within the institutions of Christianity.
One of our children experienced a pile - on from peers and it was incredibly hurtful to them, so I would want to see that stopped before it had a chance to happen.
In my church experiences I recognise there was some theology that I have welcomed that ultimately has been hurtful for me although I wouldn't have recognised it as such times.
Outside the charismatic world I've experienced church splits and they tend to be ugly, nasty and hurtful but decidedly less spiritual.
To prepare the class with a preview of how the overall experience might be hurtful for some members would seem to be the kind of thing a sensitive teacher would do.
Neymar and his teammates were keen to erase the hurtful memories that the Brazilian fans have experienced at the last World Cup, and they did it in brilliant fashion by beating a German team that humiliated them at the last World Cup.
How is her experience hurtful to you?
You know, so they aren't hurtful to moms who want to feel supported in breastfeeding... Support means acknowledging both the positive and negative experiences.
I don't think «using those words publicly» is any less hurtful to breastfeeding moms than a women talking about breastfeeding being a wonderful bonding experience would be hurtful to someone who feels like Moakler does.
I'm not going to deny that hurtful phrases come from breastfeeding supporters, occasionally in the form of personal attacks, and if you've personally experienced that, I'm truly sorry.
For an upcoming Mind Matters column, I'm interested in thoughts from trainees and supervisors about ways in which you can make humor work for you... and anecdotes about the ways in which you have experienced humor as helpful or hurtful in your own lab.
In previous episodes, we discussed the controversy surrounding The Simpsons character Apu, which Indian people have said is offensive and hurtful to their culture, lives, and American experience.
Some people don't understand the deep grief experienced with this loss and will many times make comments that are more hurtful than helpful.
My story, my narrative thread, was based on my own experience that ingrained in me the idea that the world is a hateful and hurtful place towards women and girls and that women also participated in their own objectification and exploitation.
You are likely experiencing many hurtful, confusing and overwhelming emotions.
This could be to address individually the struggles of the current situation, to explore thoughts and feelings that could be hurtful to share with the partner, or to delve into early life experiences affecting current functioning.
Teaching couples how to demonstrate appreciation and respect is one component of their model of couples therapy, having found that appreciation is an antidote to contempt created by hurtful or negative experiences.
Many words and terms people commonly use are unintentionally hurtful, negative and imprecise and can serve to stigmatize and undervalue the experience and life story of birth parents, adoptees and their families.
I specialize in therapy for families who love someone struggling with substances, individuals who want direction about how to address their own substance use, and individuals who continue to suffer from current or past hurtful family dynamics and or past traumatic experiences
In hurtful distress much of the primary core of our couple's emotional experience masked by basic anxieties, depression, chronic trauma, or abusive or neglect sustained in childhood is extremely difficult to rationalize their way our of.
If we begin to contemplate that hurtful behaviors experienced from our loved ones who matter most, may in fact come from a deeply wired longing for connection to us — rather than a deficit, or an intentional decision to give us pain — how would that change those relationships?
Premarital therapy sessions give you the opportunity and freedom to discuss things that do not come up in normal conversations between you and your partner, like his or her dark secrets, hurtful past experiences, sex, and expectations.
Anticipate that for children and young people who identify as LGBTQI + or who are in a family with same - sex parents, hurtful messages associated with the campaign and experiences of discrimination may have been new to them, or may have triggered and reinscribed previous hurts.
We said that from an Imago perspective, we all carry into those relationships a hidden agenda, a deeply held secret hope: to get from our adult partners a more caring, respectful type of treatment than the, (rarely intended, but nonetheless, sometimes hurtful), ways we experienced growing up from the people who mattered most to us.
Participants (mean age = 41.8; 62 % female; 31 % minority) had at least one unresolved hurtful interpersonal experience that still elicited negative behavioral, cognitive and emotional responses.
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