Sentences with phrase «husbands than wives»

The incidence of new chronic illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems.
Although the Institute for Family Studies reports that more husbands than wives admit to being unfaithful, according to The Cut, psychoanalyst and writer Esther Perel cites an increase of 40 % in unfaithful women since 1990, while men's statistics have stayed about the same.

Not exact matches

Using colours cleverly is just one of the tactics the husband - and - wife team has implemented to connect employees to their «why» — a purpose that's bigger than making money.
«They're decent citizens, they work hard every day — in many cases both the husband and the wife work hard everyday — and they're raising their kids fine, and they see other people getting ahead much faster than they are.»
These insurance policies are less pricey than traditional life insurance, since they pay benefits only after the death of both husband and wife.
Since estate taxes are assessed only when bequests are left to someone other than a husband or wife — most commonly, when estates pass, after parents» death, to the children — it's smart to buy enough second - to - die coverage in the name of the beneficiary to pay off future estate - tax bills.
«The ultimate irony of the investment business is that there is no question that an obstetrician can deliver babies better than the husband or wife.
Across the nation, more women are attending college than men, and according to a CNBC article and research from the Institute of Family Studies, 2015 marked the first time in history that wives were better educated than their husbands.
--------- And by the way, I believe that Husbands love your wives is MORE IMPORTANT to the subject of wives, submit, than wives submit.
(Wilcox does not mention the recent and widely publicized finding that evangelical wives have better sex lives with their husbands than religiously unaffiliated do with theirs, but it seems to follow that this would be so.)
As the Catechism affirms in 2376,» Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple (donation of sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus), are gravely immoral.»
The Mormons do offer more in the after life than any other so called christian church That is unless you are black, or a woman that does, not want to share her husband other wives
That being said, other than the potential genetic issues, I don't really care who marries whom and how many wives / husbands they have — provided their choices don't become my problems.
They believe a man can have more than one wife in heaven, but woman can only have one husband.
I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother and father, sister and brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in you Father, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to.
Marriages were typically based on economic considerations, not love, with wives holding a higher position than slaves in the household, but still functioning in many ways as the property of their husbands, who could do with them as they willed.
How could husbands in that culture, understanding the chiastic sandwich structure and thus grasping Paul «s true message, have understood anything other than that they were to raise their wives out of their lowly position into a glorious one?
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
I am waiting to read or hear a complementarian say to Christian husbands: «When your wife is right, she is right and you must obey the truth... I'm afraid that complementarians love authority and roles more than truth.»
«The Bible teaches husbands to love their wives and wives to respect their husbands because men need respect more than they need love and women need love more than they need respect.»
Our marriage union with husband or wife can not be more clear, more sure, more matter of fact, than our oneness with Christ and our enjoyment of that oneness.
When read with pater familias, rather than the Dunphys, in mind, we see just how radical Peter and Paul must have sounded when they instructed husbands to love their wives as much as Christ loved the church and to be willing to give their lives for them!
And would you have him nearer to you than to be in the same nature, united to you by a spiritual union, so close as to be fitly represented by the union of the wife to the husband, of the branch to the vine, of the member to the head; yea, so as to be one spirit?
Lot's wife had more ground to engage in moral discourse than her husband, who ran away to save his own life.
Strictly speaking, divorce is a right bestowed on the husband in view of his ability to shoulder the marriage obligations and because of his aptitude for better self - restraint than the wife can display.
Rather than women always marrying older men, the age of the husband and wife became closer, and marriages occurred later in life.
A man and woman as husband and wife are one, according to scripture, but that is not to say they are the same or to say one is better than the other.
While it is thus not lawful to have more than one husband or wife at a time, divorce makes possible a kind of serial polygamy.
This is important for both partners, but particularly so for the wife; the forthcoming exodus of the children will leave a larger void in her world of satisfactions than will be true of her husband, whose job demands and satisfactions will probably be at their peak during the child - leaving years.
The husbands of unhappy couples tended to say that twice a week was more than their wives wanted but was satisfactory to them; their wives tended to report that it was just right for them, but less than their husbands wanted.
Augustine wrote: That the good purpose of marriage, however, is better promoted by one husband with one wife, than by a husband with several wives, is shown plainly enough by the very first union of a married pair, which was made by the Divine Being Himself.
In a similar way, disidentify your self from your feelings and emotions (I have emotions, but lam more than my emotions, and so on); your desires; your intellect and thoughts; your job; your social roles (e.g., father or mother, husband or wife, your job roles); your relationships; your problems.
Would someone really be willing to concede that the love they feel for their husband or wife is nothing more than a reaction in their brain?
Wives were considered the property of their husband, though they held a higher status and more privileges than slaves and concubines (Exodus 20:17).
In sum, because it treats belief as an atomistic decision taken piecemeal by individuals rather than a holistic response to family life, Nietzsche's madman and his offspring, secularization theory, appear to present an incomplete version of how some considerable portion of human beings actually come to think and behave about things religious — not one by one and all on their own, but rather mediated through the elemental connections of husband, wife, child, aunt, great - grandfather, and the rest.
There could be no more forthright declaration of male superiority than is found in the words, «Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord.
Over time, the expression bled into «helpmeet,» an independent term applied exclusively to the role of wives to their husbands, and to this day, the myth that Genesis 2 relegates wives to the status of subordinate assistants persists, as is painfully evidenced by (complementarian) Debi Pearl's book, Created to Be His Help Meet, which has sold more than 200,000 copies since its publication in 2004... (and which I threw across the living room a total of seven times while reading it for research.)
We could not have picked a «better» church to visit on our first Sunday, as the pastor was speaking that week — scratch that; he was shouting — about «biblical» gender roles, referencing stay - at - home dads as «abnormal» and it being against God's will for a wife to have a larger income than her husband.
Certainly the sexual standards of both Shakespeare's era and Jerome's were generally sterner than what we encounter at the beginning of the twenty - first century, but it is another question whether husbands ought to treat their wives as they would an adulteress.
Also I have a question to the public, if this becomes the «legal» then should we also allow people to have more than one wife or husband since it makes them happy and they are not bothering society?
The article does not go into detail about how John's addiction is affecting his life other than it makes both husband and wife uncomfortable.
Priests, husbands and rulers are not more worthy, more valuable or closer to the divine than are laypersons, wives and «common people.»
He does a much better job of emphasizing mutuality in sexual relationships than he has in the past, (though I've never quite understood why so many complemementarians insist on hierarchal - based relationships in which wives submit to their husbands «in everything,» while simultaneously acknowledging the importance of mutuality when it comes to sex... but that's a topic for another day).
For example, rather than insisting that a woman stay attractive for her husband lest he be tempted to cheat on her, Mark suggests that a man make his own wife his standard of beauty (and vice versa).
Nothing makes a husband look up more to his wife than the fact that she is the mother, the dedicated mother, of his children.
Usually the husband has a greater future earning potential than the wife.
It is surrounded by guilt and women feel it worse than men because it becomes a duty to your husband instead of something pleasurable between husband and wife.
Consider the following statement made by Popcak in the book: «Rather than suggesting that pleasure is bad, official church teaching insists that both husband and wife have a right to expect the heights of pleasure from their sexual relationship.»
Husbands and fathers are assumed to be dishonest and struggle to prove the contrary; less than honest affidavits and statements are regularly sworn by vengeful parties; and wives and mothers are encouraged to demand to the full the use of the very liberal and ample powers that the courts now have to oust fathers from their own homes and deprive them of any but the most minimal contact with their children.
One could argue that God was not exactly married to Israel the same way that a man is married to a woman, but against this it could also be argued that the covenant relationship God has with Israel is far stronger and far more binding than the relationship shared between a husband and wife.
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