Sentences with phrase «husk of»

When Fitbit purchased the burned - out husk of Pebble for a paltry $ 23 million in December 2016, the writing was on the wall.
Fast gaining international renown for its horticultural applications, coir is previously underused outer husk of a coconut.
Nintendo is gone, and in its place is the mere husk of a great gaming company that once was.
However, in order to get the Eidolon Ally you actually need to have the Husk of the Pit, which is a common auto rifle.
And as such, we start to see Sonic degrade into a flat, lifeless husk of a character, who spits out slogans and generally has only one personality mode, the radical attitude dude, the sad recycled image of vague»90s cultural concept.
Chumacera is the husk of Miramar's once thriving textile industry.
An official trailer has been released, so players already know that the new setting for the game will be the bombed - out husk of what was once Boston, Massachusetts.
The snow is littered with debris, and the smouldering husk of a German tank is all that remains of the penultimate armoured column on my hitlist.
Precursor Games, the studio set up by a bunch of ex-Silicon Knights developers, has revealed that it bought assets and equipment from the flaming husk of Silicon Knights to use in its new game: Shadow of the Eternals.
Soul Calibur V, on the other hand, relies solely on the presence of other players to provide enjoyment — and when Namco Bandai eventually shuts down the online component a year or two from now, all that'll be left will be a malnourished husk of a game.
Nothing says true love like wearing a replica severed husk of the anthropomorphized cannon that wanted only to heal your injuries!
Still, exploring the game's desolate setting — namely a dilapidated husk of a giant space ship — is the perfect fit for any Halloween.
Gearbox Software, the developer who rescued the game from the husk of 3D Realms, is betting that Duke still has what it takes to win over a generation of gamers who probably never even played Duke 3D.
Instead, we're left with the empty husk of a game that could have been.
At the start, you're basically driving a rusty husk of metal around a sandy wasteland.
It's called Husk of the Pit.
(And most people would agree that the Switch port was hardly a sorry empty husk of a game anyway)
If you have never unwrapped the corn husk of a tamale to reveal the delicious, steaming filling inside — well, you have a good thing coming.
Cats scratch with their front claws by dragging them downward, either on a horizontal or vertical surface - this action, referred to as stropping, loosens and removes the outer husk of the claw revealing a sharp new surface underneath.
Paper books aren't hindered by DRM or evolving media storage standards * or a need for electricity that'll turn your Kindle into a nice paperweight when that nuclear EMP blast finally hits and we're all bringing our kids to the burned out husk of a library to show them what the Before Times were like.
Grandmother's soul had clearly flown up to Heaven, leaving behind only the sloughed husk of her body.
Years of living in Espoo have made you an empty husk of a human being.
The big difference with this reboot is that Frank's father, Frank Sr. (Stevenson), who tags along for most of the plot in an attempt to inject some charm into this otherwise lifeless husk of a movie.
Watching Scott Eastwood in Diablo, it's impossible not to think of his father, Clint, and not only because the men share distinctively sharp cheekbones and a husk of a voice that, in Clint's case, conveys vulnerability and embittered emotional violence.
By 2010, player tastes had moved to the dance game genre (in which Harmonix was already killing it with Dance Central), and Guitar Hero had become a washed - out, drug - addled husk of its former self.
I run into Firebreak in the shelled husk of a church.
It features my single favorite male performance of the year in Michael Fassbender «s Brandon, a short - tempered, brittle husk of a man, simultaneously transparent and opaque, desperately searching for the next petit mort in a quest to stave off the deep pain he can't get away from.
Her name is LaVona Golden, and she's played to howling effect by Allison Janney, who looks and sounds like the husk of a cicada you find sometimes in summer.
Above (via Siliconera) you can see the burning husk of Professor Layton, who after years and years of wonderful adventures has decided to retire to the world of mobile gaming.
And while Gere commits himself fully to his empty husk of a character, on some level his casting feels like a stunt.
The husk of the film's plot is conventional family melodrama, engineered for maximum uplift, but therein lies its true subversive quality.
This edition's got a new musk, and underneath that an exoskeletal husk of comedic explosion and graphic excitement that rivals its full - sized super-compatriots.
The former playground of Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher was drained of joy by Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, and now Zack Snyder has taken it upon himself to flog the desiccated husk of Batman into cinematic oblivion by stuffing Batman into the sequel of a Superman reboot.
Soul Calibur V, on the other hand, relies solely on the presence of other players to provide enjoyment — and when Namco Bandai eventually shuts down the online component a year or two from now, all that'll be left will be a malnourished husk of a game.
But the fun doesn't really begin until their second day on the road, when the group comes upon the burned - out husk of the house where Rosalee once lived.
The contentless husk of an MMO with uninteresting mechanics and a progression system with no rewards.
Janney purges the moistness from her voice, so she looks and sounds like the husk of a cicada you find sometimes in summer.
While Henry is marginally more evolved in his attitudes than his racist father, a withered husk of a man with nothing but scorn in his heart, he still treats the Jacksons with a curtness tinged with superiority.
KEY PRODUCT POINTS Handwoven mat is 100 % biodegradable coir, a fiber derived from the outer husk of coconut shells.
Bacterial action causes the outer husk of each peppercorn, called the pericarp, to break away from the remainder of the peppercorn.
Bran is the indigestible outer husk of wheat (as well as other cereal grains) and is one of the best sources of dietary fiber.
Oat Fiber is made from the husk of oats, not to be confused with Oat Flour — which is high in carbs.
Is the oil extracted from the germ and inner husk of rice.
There isn't really a good substitute for bran in a bran muffin Wheat bran is the outer husk of the wheat kernel, which is removed (along with the germ) when wheat is refined into white or all purpose flour.
Whole - wheat flours contain parts of the bran, the outer husk of the kernel, while other flours have higher amounts of gluten, found in the endosperm of the kernel.
The starchiness of oats creates a barrier that allows the skin to hold its moisture, while the rougher fibrous husk of the oat acts as a gentle exfoliant.
Psyllium is a powder made from the husk of the psyllium plant.
To open a fresh coconut, cut away the outer husk of the top of the coconut until the shell is visible.
Just as we can not digest the roots, stalk, leaves, or husk of grasses, so we also can not digest most of the components of the seeds.
To make them edible, the outer layer or husk of the grain is removed, leaving the «berry» or «grout» — the whole grain.
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