Sentences with phrase «hydrazine fuel»

I quickly scoured federal Web sites on environmental and health hazards for information on the hydrazine fuel (about half a ton was said to be aboard).
From the Clarke Belt, if active station - keeping is disabled (or if the satellites run out of the hydrazine fuel burned by their thrusters), the birds tend to drift to the «low» point in their orbit, a stable resting point over the Indian ocean.
If people seem «content» with seeing 3 large Hydrazine fuel tanks on the Cape Canaveral launch pad, why should a satellite be any more of a concern?
Blasting a Spy in the Sky: The Pentagon insists that an Aegis missile cruiser blasted a descending spy satellite Wednesday night to avoid any risk of a big toxic blot from the hydrazine fuel, despite various assertions that the exercise had other motives, for instance:
Controllers used hydrazine fuel in the thrusters to keep SOHO pointed in the right direction, but they were using quite a bit of it — 15 pounds (7 kilograms) a week, on average.
From the beginning, New Horizons was designed to be able to explore additional objects in the Kuiper Belt, carrying extra hydrazine fuel for that mission.

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One such oxygen - removing agent is rocket fuel, scientists from Rutgers University found specifically, vapors of hydrazine, a highly reactive and toxic compound.
Among the concerns were the potential for leaks of hydrazine, a toxic fuel, and the potential for the thrusters to fire inadvertently.
They could be clouds containing ammonia and hydrazine, a substance used as rocket fuel on Earth.
It was executed by the spacecraft's hydrazine - fueled thrusters at 1:15 pm EST on Wednesday November 4, taking some 20 minutes to complete.
Making water Matt Damon's character took hydrazine from the rocket fuel and dissociated it into nitrogen and hydrogen, which you can do, and he burned the hydrogen with oxygen to make water.
Up until this final mission phase, Dawn will have used just the small thruster jets, which use a fuel called hydrazine, to control its orientation and pointing.
The Daihatsu FC ShoCase is believed to be the first fuel - cell vehicle to employ the auto maker's hydrazine - hydrate technology, which, according to researchers, has potential to substantially reduce fuel cell costs by virtually eliminating platinum and other precious metals in the electrode catalyst.
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