Sentences with phrase «hydroclimate reconstructions»

Below the relative hydroclimate changes for four different centuries are shown from the new hydroclimate reconstruction covering the past twelve centuries.
The researchers used 196 of these «proxy» records to create a «hydroclimate reconstruction» of the northern hemisphere back to the 9th century.

Not exact matches

- ARAMATE (The reconstruction of ecosystem and climate variability in the north Atlantic region using annually resolved archives of marine and terrestrial ecosystems)- CLIM - ARCH-DATE (Integration of high resolution climate archives with archaeological and documentary evidence for the precise dating of maritime cultural and climatic events)- CLIVASH2k (Climate variability in Antarctica and Southern Hemisphere in the past 2000 years)- CoralHydro2k (Tropical ocean hydroclimate and temperature from coral archives)- Global T CFR (Global gridded temperature reconstruction method comparisons)- GMST reconstructions - Iso2k (A global synthesis of Common Era hydroclimate using water isotopes)- MULTICHRON (Constraining modeled multidecadal climate variability in the Atlantic using proxies derived from marine bivalve shells and coralline algae)- PALEOLINK (The missing link in the Past — Downscaling paleoclimatic Earth System Models)- PSR2k (Proxy Surrogate Reconstruction 2k)
Recommendations: The next generation of PAGES 2k climate reconstructions should target reconstructions of hydroclimate as well as temperature.
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