Sentences with phrase «hydrogen and oxygen as»

MAVEN focuses on hydrogen and oxygen as ways to trace water and carbon dioxide, and neutral argon as a way to measure the sheer volume of atmosphere loss.
Alas, using radio waves to tap hydrogen and oxygen as a combustible source of energy is inefficient, and scientists have so far been unable to adapt the process for energy production.

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As a business, Planetary Resources is betting that by the time it extracts water from an asteroid, there will be a customer like NASA interested in buying water, hydrogen and oxygen.
Heaven is that planet 35000 light - years from earth, ten times as big made of hydrogen and oxygen for water, gold as atmosphere (yes we're taking the gold) But to desist as soul when given the chance in hell if you truly believe seems impassible for me to fathom.
That is a very dry world to live in... as far as theory is concerned it is as enigmatic as religous beliefs... Example 2 hydrogen and on oxygen make water... it is proven fact.
Physics is sufficiently advanced today to define many substances very perfectly, in their very essence, in terms of those causes which constitute them, and in this we see that the active relationship by which, let us say, oxygen and hydrogen are defined as causes of water in a given relativity, is an active potency in those causes of dynamic finality with respect to the composite substance which is water.
They require food such as hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements to sustain their life.
Is it the same kind of language as that in which we say, «The battle of Hastings was fought in 1066» or «Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen»?
Oxygen Bleach - Using a hydrogen peroxide process to whiten and disinfect, oxygen bleach is very effective and works as a great substitute for chlorine bOxygen Bleach - Using a hydrogen peroxide process to whiten and disinfect, oxygen bleach is very effective and works as a great substitute for chlorine boxygen bleach is very effective and works as a great substitute for chlorine bleach.
«One of the proposed scenarios,» comments Romano Corradi, director of the GTC and another of the authors «is the presence of a component in the gas which is different from that which we normally find, poor in hydrogen and rich in heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon.
There are basically two types of lines, those produced by collisions between the atoms or ions and the electrons in the surrounding gas, which are called collision lines, and which are very bright for elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and neon, and lines which are produced when ions capture free electrons, which are called recombination lines, and which are bright only for those gases with the highest abundances in the interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium.
Kesterites acting as photocatalysts might be able to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using sunlight, and to store solar energy in the form of chemical energy,» explains Schorr.
Like hydrogen, oxygen, and iodine, nitrogen normally exists as two - atom molecules in the form of a gas at room temperature.
At high heat, the cladding interacts with the surrounding water vapor, binding tightly to the oxygen and freeing the hydrogen, which escapes as a gas.
Under pressure and heat, the dead creatures» long chains of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon - bearing molecules, known as polymers, decompose into short - chain petroleum hydrocarbons.
The technique could be used as a detection sensor for hydrogen or oxygen gases as well as for property controls of organic semiconductors and organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).
What differentiates this process from tradition biofuel production is the infusion of hydrogen — it removes the dilutive oxygen that most biofuels contain, leaving only the combustible isoparaffins and paraffins, which are indistinguishable from the molecules in refined petroleum.The only byproduct of the process is propane, which can be reintroduced into the production loop as a source of hydrogen.
Above 1300 degrees, the iron oxides will begin to crack, and the oxygen will combine with the hydrogen, flashing off as water vapor.
The finding that cerium oxide may grab hydrogen as well as oxygen is promising for efforts to engineer it to catalyze both reactions that cause electron gain («reduction» of a reactant) and electron loss («oxidation»).
Once the nanoparticles are added and light applied, the water separates into hydrogen and oxygen almost immediately, producing twice as much hydrogen as oxygen, as expected from the 2:1 hydrogen to oxygen ratio in H2O water molecules, Bao said.
Proteins, similar to carbohydrates and lipids, are made up of such elements as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
And if hydrogen is fed into a fuel - cell stack — a batterylike device that generates electricity from hydrogen and oxygen — it can propel an electric car or truck with only water and heat as by - products [see «On the Road to Fuel - Cell Cars,» by Steven Ashley; Scientific American, March 200And if hydrogen is fed into a fuel - cell stack — a batterylike device that generates electricity from hydrogen and oxygen — it can propel an electric car or truck with only water and heat as by - products [see «On the Road to Fuel - Cell Cars,» by Steven Ashley; Scientific American, March 200and oxygen — it can propel an electric car or truck with only water and heat as by - products [see «On the Road to Fuel - Cell Cars,» by Steven Ashley; Scientific American, March 200and heat as by - products [see «On the Road to Fuel - Cell Cars,» by Steven Ashley; Scientific American, March 2005].
Compared with other key elements of life — such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon — molecular nitrogen is very stable.
Kourosh Kalantar - Zadeh, an engineer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia, and his colleagues built plastic capsules about 2.5 centimeters long — about as long as a Jolly Rancher hard candy — that sniff out carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen gas molecules in the gut.
Using excess energy from renewable energy resources such as solar and wind to split water into oxygen and hydrogen — a process called electrolysis — could be the best solution for creating large supplies of sustainable hydrogen fuel.
«As in our own atmosphere, where ultraviolet sunlight breaks molecules apart, ultraviolet starlight can break water vapour in the atmospheres of exoplanets into hydrogen and oxygen
Asteroids also contain an abundance of water, which, aside from serving as hydration during space travel, could be used as a shield to protect spaceships from the sun's radiation or to produce hydrogen - and oxygen - based rocket fuels.
The hydrogen replaces oxygen in the acids and other compounds in the bio-oils and makes them less corrosive, and the zeolites break the large hydrocarbons into compounds such as toluene and benzene that are commonly used building blocks for a large number of industrial chemicals.
The use of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as propellant is an integral part of the entire Mars Base Camp (MBC) architecture, the company representatives said.
Atoms of most elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, form tight chemical bonds by sharing electrons with their neighbours in order to give each atom a stable configuration of electrons.
Fuel Cells Electricity from any source, such as solar, wind and even coal, can be used to break up water molecules into their hydrogen and oxygen components in a device called an electrolyzer.
The researchers discovered that these catalysts — copper in the form of a white salt and the ligand as an oil — can oxidize C - H bonds in a very efficient way in combination with hydrogen peroxide, a reduced form of oxygen that nature uses.
They also used satellite precipitation data to «backsolve» the brine's origins using sodium concentrations, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, as the isotopic composition of water reflects the condensation temperature and precipitation rate over time.
In observations obtained at the William Herschel Telescope in the Canary Islands, the University of Warwick astronomers detected a large quantity of hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere of a white dwarf (known as SDSS J1242 +5226).
As caterpillars grow, they take on a characteristic chemical signature of the environment, with hydrogen, oxygen and other elements fixed in tissues in varying amounts.
Using spectral readings from telescopes at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, Hand has found high levels of oxidative chemicals such as sulfate, oxygen, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen peroxide on Europa's surface, which are produced as ionizing radiation from Jupiter scours it, splitting apart water molecules and sulfur compounds in the uppermost layers of its ice.
Water could also be split into hydrogen and oxygen for use as rocket fuel.
Using the energy of the sun, they break the water molecules apart and use the hydrogen to create organic compounds like carbohydrates, leaving oxygen behind as a by - product.
Cortright and chemical engineer James Dumesic discovered in their university lab back in 2001 that by starting with water and various carbohydrates from plants — basically, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen compounds — and using catalysts, heat and pressure, they could start creating CO2 and hydrogen and then use that hydrogen to eliminate the oxygen as water (the process produces more water than it consumes).
As the water boiled away, the hydrogen escaped into interstellar space while the oxygen came back down and bonded with carbon atoms.
If there were too much UV light, no water could survive on the surface because the water molecules would break up and escape through the top of the atmosphere as hydrogen and oxygen gas.
The oxygen is given off, and the hydrogen is ultimately incorporated into sugars that the plant stores as fuel.
That's because the core of making jet biofuel is much the same as the core of making conventional fuel: hydroprocessing, or the adding of hydrogen to existing hydrocarbons in order to remove oxygen and other impurities as well as build the right molecule.
The shuttle is comprised of three components: the orbiter (the aeroplane - like crew - and cargo - carrying craft that most people think of as the shuttle); a large external tank (ET) that holds the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen fuel; and two solid rocket boosters (SRBs) packed with powdered aluminium and rubber fuel.
The fungus makes the chelator and produces hydrogen peroxide from oxygen, and together they start to digest the cell wall into the sugar found in the basic building block of wood, glucose, which the fungus can use as food.
When ammonia plants first came online in the 1940s, most used water as their source of hydrogen; energy - intensive electrolysis decoupled the hydrogen and oxygen.
Stars are made mostly of hydrogen and helium, but they also contain trace amounts of other elements, such as carbon, oxygen, iron, and even more exotic substances.
Today, most phosphorus enters the world's ecosystems as granite and other rocks weather over time, releasing the molecule orthophosphate: a phosphorus atom linked to a hydrogen and four oxygens.
Mangrove rivulus, which can live out of the water for extended periods of time (days or weeks, as long as the conditions are moist), uses its specialised jumping technique when water has low oxygen concentrations or high levels of hydrogen sulphide, or to escape predators and search for terrestrial prey such as crickets.
The findings: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous — key ingredients for life — plus chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide that could provide energy for microorganisms.
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