Sentences with phrase «hydrogen and oxygen particles»

The size of the hydrogen and oxygen particles in water happen to be of the same magnitude as neutrons.
and «The size of the hydrogen and oxygen particles in water happen to be of the same magnitude as neutrons»
When neutron particles collide with hydrogen and oxygen particles, some of the kinetic energy from the neutron is transferred to the water molecule, much like a cue ball hitting another billiard ball of the same size.

Not exact matches

Shining blue light on the particles caused the haematite cubes to catalyse the breakdown of nearby hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
For instance, when particles from uranium bump into water, they can create hydrogen gas, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen.
So just one new kind of particle; but the other ideas of that unification that I mentioned in supersymmetry suggest that it is more complicated; that there at least are several different kinds of particles involved, you know, like hydrogen and oxygen in water where water also has impurities; though we are going to find out anyway what this medium is made out of.
This aurora is driven by Jupiter's intense magnetic field, which causes particles to reach such high speeds that they can split the water molecules in the plume when they hit them, resulting in oxygen and hydrogen ions which leave their telltale imprint in the colours of the aurora.
The researchers discovered that the unique manner in which the platinum and nickel atoms arrange themselves on the surfaces of these particles serves to optimally accelerate the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water.
Scientists from Forschungszentrum Jülich and Technische Universität Berlin have succeeded in developing efficient metallic catalyst particles for converting hydrogen and oxygen to water using only a tenth of the typical amount of platinum that was previously required.
The combination of the water, salt, and the array are meant to generate negative ions by separating oxygen and hydrogen from the water, neutralizing charged particles in the body and drawing toxins with the opposite charges out.
NASA's MAVEN is still in its commissioning period but it has already sent back images of the solar energetic particles storms on Mars and the hydrogen, oxygen and carbon coronas that surround the Red Planet.
Soot - Particles formed during the quenching of gases at the outer edge of flames of organic vapors, consisting predominantly of carbon, with lesser amounts of oxygen and hydrogen present as carboxyl and phenolic groups and exhibiting an imperfect graphitic structure.
They measure the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to infer air temperatures at the time the snow fell, and the dust particles give a nice indication of the dusty periods (much of the dust was kicked up far away, in the Gobi Desert, rather than from sources closer to Greenland).
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