Sentences with phrase «hydrogen sulfide»

Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that has a strong, unpleasant smell, like rotten eggs. Full definition
Anaerobic microbial breakdown of decaying phytoplankton produces hydrogen sulfide gas in the seafloor sediment, and the gas buildup is periodically released, rising and oxidizing as it approaches the water surface.
The same thing is found at present - day whale falls during the sulfophilic stage — the last and longest part of organic - fall succession, when bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide as they break down what's left of the bones.
Cutting protein in mice's diets increased the production of hydrogen sulfide in their livers, the researchers discovered.
Onshore, the questions are different Previous experiments relied on natural CO2 seeps close to volcanoes, which were not indicative of captured and stored CO2 because of contamination from hydrogen sulfide gas, he noted.
Methane hydrate and hydrogen sulfide release still seem to be real possibilities — even today there are periodichydrogen sulfide «belches» off the Namibean coast which hint at the possibility of wider releases in a warming climate.
But residents of coastal towns in Namibia have become used to the disagreeable smells that accompany frequent eruptions of toxic hydrogen sulfide gas in the area.
Led design efforts for hydrogen sulfide scrubbing and removal system for in - ground and enclosed API Separator.
Worms that made more hydrogen sulfide lived longer, on average, than those that made the normal amount of the gas.
The most dramatic effects were a nearly 2 mmHg rise in diastolic (the low number) blood pressure when the odor was rated an 8 compared with no odor, and a nearly 3 mmHg rise in systolic (the high number) blood pressure when hydrogen sulfide concentrations reached 10 parts per billion compared with no detectable level, the researchers reported last week in Environmental Health Perspectives.
Large enough blooms can rob the ocean of oxygen, produce harmful toxins, result in large fish kills, and in the end create dangerous bottom conditions favoring microbial hydrogen sulfide production.
EcoVerde removes odor and other contaminants through a biological process based on bacteria that feed on hydrogen sulfide.
Any bad smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide, better known as rotten egg gas.
Glomus cells in the carotid bodies produce the enzymes heme oxygenase 2 (HO - 2), which generates carbon monoxide (CO) when oxygen levels are appropriate, and CSE, which generates hydrogen sulfide (H2S) when oxygen levels dip.
Caloric restriction can nearly double a worm's life span, but when the nematodes can't make hydrogen sulfide their life span extension isn't nearly as dramatic, Mitchell's group discovered.
«If you treat cells with antibiotics, you see that they start producing more [hydrogen sulfide] right away.»
Some autotrophic bacteria are used by EcoVerde (including Theobacilus) to remove hydrogen sulfide and methane; heterotrophic bacteria remove VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
Mechanisms underlying adaptation to life in hydrogen sulfide rich environments.
During this time, bacteria that can use hydrogen sulfide for photosynthesis are as happy as clams.
In Canada, the sector is responsible for the majority (58 %) of hydrogen sulfide emissions.
The odor comes from sulfur - containing gases like hydrogen sulfide.
The study notes that the plants would also emit hydrogen sulfide and mercury, which, if not properly scrubbed and treated, are potentially harmful to human health.
Humans can smell hydrogen sulfide when it makes up as little as three out of every billion molecules in the air, the EPA says.
«We think hydrogen sulfide made by the cell can serve as a surrogate energy source,» Mitchell says.
While studying sulfur bacteria in 1887, he found that the colorless species of these microbes obtain energy by oxidizing hydrogen sulfide to sulfur and then to sulfuric acid in the absence of light.
The stinky chemicals found in bad breath are by - products of bacterial metabolism and include hydrogen sulfide and trimethylamine.
Gibbons adds that millions of years of adaptation to low - oxygen waters allowed the goby «to capitalize on the changes to the system — both increased hypoxia and [hydrogen sulfide] as well as the jellyfish.»
Once thought to be a periodic phytoplankton bloom, the highly visible occurrence (shown here as wispy areas near the coast) is now known to be the result of periodic hydrogen sulfide gas eruptions from the diatomaceous sediments underlying the highly productive waters of the northern Benguela upwelling zone.
Aqueous hydrogen sulfide concentrations observed in both closed and open states were significantly higher than the recommended thresholds for aquatic life.
Listener Questions: Antioxidants, Gene - Tailored Diets, Joint Pain and Gut Health, Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO, Probiotics During a Hospital Stay, and More...
An animal - based diet may trigger IBD by causing microbial enzyme activity in the intestines, which produces a harmful gas called hydrogen sulfide.
Terrestrial plants thrive on carbon dioxide, while hydrogen sulfide kills them.
Hydrogen sulfide becomes a problem only if it decomposes and the hydrogen atoms move into fragile areas of the pipe.
In all the great mass extinction events but, possibly, one, this heat - driven filling up of the world ocean with deadly hydrogen sulfide gas during hothouse periods represents the major killing mechanism.
Thepungent odor of hydrogen sulfide drifts through the air.
Free hydrogen sulfide inhibits cytochrome oxidase work.
Gervasi's paper said the only effective way to dispose of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide without harming the atmosphere or ocean would involve injecting the gases underground into the Natuna formation itself or a nearby reservoir.
The worms use their plumes to collect hydrogen sulfide, nitrate, and other nutrients to feed the symbiotic bacteria in their guts that break down these compounds for them.
Regarding the possible role hydrogen sulfide in the major extinctions you might want to check out another book, one which places it in the context of the methane clathrate gun, the destruction of the coccolithophores which help to maintain an oxygenated atmosphere by ocean acidification, the role of algae blooms, etc...
One species of bacteria, Thiomargarita namibiensis, plays a critical role in hydrogen sulfide eruptions from diatomaceous sediments off Africa's Namibia coast.
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