Sentences with phrase «hydroxyl better»

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Compounds belonging to the terpenes group revealed tyrosinase inhibitory activities due to different aspects including the position and relative configuration of the hydroxyl groups as well as the nature and numbers of sugar units as in cycloartane glycosides.
The reaction combines the hydroxyl molecule (OH, produced by reaction of oxygen and water) and carbon monoxide (CO, a byproduct of incomplete fossil fuel combustion) to form hydrogen (H) and carbon dioxide (CO2, a «greenhouse gas» contributing to global warming), as well as heat.
High PI and DBI equals short lifespan MLSP despite mitochondrial Glutathione and Thioredoxin trying its best to scavenge membrane Hydroperoxides formation from hydroxyl radical stealing hydrogen atom from unsaturated fatty acids (initiating lipid peroxidation propagation forming highly mutational reactive aldehydes (MDA, MDA - TBARS), alkenals (4 - HNE), methylglyoxals (creating glucosepane, MDA - Lys, CML, pentosidine, CEL, furosine from Amadori).
Nutrients, both the vitamins and minerals as well as other compounds in foods (dubbed phytochemicals) can either be water soluble, fat soluble, or a blend of both (it depends on the polarity of the molecule and what the molecule is ringed with either methyl or hydroxyl groups).
A moisturizer with alpha - hydroxyl acids may be good for your
Additional output from the ACCMIP runs will include concentration / mass of radiatively active species, aerosol optical properties, and radiative forcings (clear and all sky) as well as important parameters that do not directly influence climate such as hydroxyl, chemical reaction rates, deposition rates, emission rates, surface pollutants and diagnostics of tracer transport.
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