Sentences with phrase «hymn singing at»

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This pattern resembled, in some respects, Bonhoeffer's organization of community life at Finkenwalde, with its antiphonal reading of the Psalms, stated hours of prayer, hymn singing, and silence.
At age fifty - eight, he invited gospel singer Mahalia Jackson to record with his band, and Ellington was so delighted with the resulting version of his hymn «Come Sunday,» performed mostly unaccompanied, that he brought Jackson back to the studio the next day to sing it again — not for the record, but just for him.
I hope a designated driver is a requirement at the «hymn sings» and the «men's gatherings.»
● «Beer & Hymns,» a gathering at First Christian Church in Portland, Oregon, where 100 or so mostly young people sing hymns like «Be Thou My Vision» while guzzling home - brewed beer from plastic Hymns,» a gathering at First Christian Church in Portland, Oregon, where 100 or so mostly young people sing hymns like «Be Thou My Vision» while guzzling home - brewed beer from plastic hymns like «Be Thou My Vision» while guzzling home - brewed beer from plastic cups.
It can be difficult to try to meet what are often competing demands: some people want gospel hymns, some want rock, some want Lutheran chorales, still others don't want to sing at all and expect the choir to do it.
When we started, the congregation was accustomed to singing four vaguely apposite hymns slotted into the liturgy; in short, they were singing at Mass, rather than singing the Mass..
Quite often it is the priest who has determined which hymns are to be sung, at the same time ruling out the possibility of a properly sung Mass by himself refusing to sing the orations, the preface, or indeed the gospel.
As she continues to read, we hear about Paul's incarceration and persecution, about how Jesus is «the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation,» about watching out for all those false teachings that circulated through the trade routes, about how we ought to stop judging each other over differences of opinion regarding religious festivals and food (I blush a little at this point and resolved to make peace with some rather opinionated friends before the next sacred meal), about how we should clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, and love, about how we must forgive one another, about how the things that once separated Jew from Greek and slave from free are broken down at the foot of the cross, about how we should sing more hymns.
Recently, at the end of the show, Keillor did a tribute to all the new 40 - year - olds, those people born in March 1942, sung to a rewritten Gettysburg Address with the tune of «The Battle Hymn of the Republic» in the background.
St. Ephrem has several hymns in honour of St. Thomas in which he sings of the apostle's preaching of the Gospel in India, of the bringing of his bones to Edessa, of the honour that the Edessene church got thereby, and of the miracles wrought at the shrine.
Flogged and imprisoned, Paul and Silas sang hymns at midnight in jail (16:25).
I was so full of joy that I was singing hymns at the top of my voice as I drove down the liberated avenues.
Put man in the simplest cabin and he will plant petunias about the door; drive him into a cave and he will play the artist on the wall; leave him nothing but sticks and he will devise a flute; bind him in chains and he will drag them to some remembered cadence; imprison him and he will sing hymns at midnight.
He requests that a hymn he wrote — probably during the days of protest against the Vietnam war — be sung at the service.
The prayers include the Magnificat, the familiar «Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle...» and a rather good hymn which can be sung to the tune of Come, Holy Ghost and is specifically aimed at begging for protection on unborn children.
Perhaps it was a noble attempt to fulfil the council's request for full and active participation that found us singing hymns at the Mass..
Paul says that as we relate to each other we are to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to the Lord in our hearts and giving thanks to God at all times.
No heavenly glance or any other token of the incommensurable betrays him; if one did not know him, it would be impossible to distinguish him from the rest of the congregation, for his healthy and vigorous hymn - singing proves at the most that he has a good chest.
I didn't grow up on hymns like some others, I grew up at the kitchen table of grateful baby disciples humming happy - clappy choruses of the renewal movement, so I sing into the cavern of the bathtub with my hair bound up and my hands slippery with soap, hanging onto the last few baby dimples that remain in our house.
It is unlike it at several important points: (1) it is engaged in not alone but with other people, some and perhaps many of whom are likely to be strangers; (2) it is conducted by someone usually a minister or priest — and is channeled through regular forms; (3) there are appeals to the eye in the sanctuary's architecture and appointments and to the ear in music and spoken word which are not usually present in private worship; and (4) in the singing of hymns and the unison repetition of prayers and responsive readings there is opportunity for corporate vocal self - expression.
I was quietly sitting at home singing selections out of Pentecostal Hymns.
Hymns and canticles of more recent composition, but also the old ones that have come down to us from our Christian past, enable us to sing the praises of God along with those who have gone before us, while they unite us with others present at worship in a common act of adoration or petition or confession.
The «In Christ Alone» creators and their touring band performed their modern hymns and led guests in traditional carol singing at the Vice President's residence.
Sometimes there was great detail: «At vespers it would be excellent to sing three evening hymns in Latin, not German, on account of the school youth, to accustom them to Latin... a lesson in German... a German Hymn... During the week there should be preaching on Wednesdays and Fridays.»
My mother died in February and because we had the funeral in her church, they could not participate in the singing of hymns at her funeral.
Ultimately though, they'll all need to be singing from the same hymn sheet this season at least, as a fully - fit and confident Dembele could surely have a positive impact in Barcelona's pursuit of multiple trophies this season.
They are singing from the same hymn sheet as all the chemists, legal experts and sensible commentators who have looked at it.
At one point the religious right started singing hymns in the hallways so the two of us, having sung in church choirs for decades, joined in with them.
They were singing hymns — including a lovely rendition of «Amazing Grace» in at least two - party harmony — but have moved on to far less melodious chants of «One Man, One Woman» and «God Says No.»
The rally would come the day after anti-same-sex marriage advocates clogged the hallways at the Capitol singing hymns and chanting against the measure.
We sang this old hymn this morning at church — it's such a blessing to sing old hymns of the faith mixed in with more contemporary songs of praise!
Meanwhile, Barbara Jean (Ronee Blakeley) renders heartfelt hymns from a wheelchair at the hospital chapel (eyes closed, always retreating into her own private world when she sings), while Pfc. Glenn Kelly (Scott Glenn) and Mr. Green (Keenan Wynn) trade Barbara Jean anecdotes in awestruck whispers.
The hymn sung by the Jatravartidian followers of Humma Kavula was recorded at St. Martin's Church, Highgate, London on 19 June 2004.
With its best moments its most surprising, as when George sings a hymn at a family gathering, or when Ashley masturbates to a picture of a happier time between she and her husband, Junebug is a fulsome, ebullient family drama of the best kind: the kind where everybody's the villain and everybody's the hero, and it's only the situation that defines their roles from moment to moment.
The class has a community spirit, much like singing a hymn at church.
Half of my brain chides me each time I walk thru the doors at the bookstore, the other half sings like a hymn in church.
At the Mission, we often sing the hymn «In This Place» composed by Trevor Thompson that reminds us of the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ among us.
We went inside the church and heard 3 young (at least to us) priests sing a few beautiful acapella hymns.
Leif Svalgaard says: October 29, 2012 at 4:58 pm tallbloke says: October 29, 2012 at 4:46 pm Well clearly we need to convene some «workshops» to get everyone singing off the same hymn sheet.
At Hyde Park, we park our bikes alongside a group of Christians, who are singing hymns and waving placards urging us to repent.
At night the children and I end our day by saying prayers and I sing a hymn to them.
We love all those old hymns & don't get to sing them at our church: (We just have to get our fill on the radio these days!
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