Sentences with phrase «hyperactivity measured»

Look at the incidents of physical aggression and hyperactivity measured by researchers at these two parties.

Not exact matches

The outcomes were measured by a global hyperactivity aggregate (GHA), scores based on parent and teacher observations, and for 8 and 9 year olds, a computerized attention test.
Researchers measured 11 outcomes previously shown to be impacted by breast - feeding: body mass index (BMI); obesity; asthma; hyperactivity; parental attachment; behavior compliance; and achievement in vocabulary, reading recognition, math ability, intelligence and scholastic competence.
A team from the University of Southampton in England measured levels of hyperactivity in 153 three - year - olds and 144 eight - and nine - year - olds.
The results from all these tests were scored to produce a measure of hyperactivity known as a global hyperactivity aggregate (GHA).
The ABC measures challenging behaviors including irritability, lethargy / social withdrawal, repetitive behaviors (stereotypies), hyperactivity and inappropriate speech.
The researchers — who examined data on more than 8,000 children up to age 14 — did find that breast - feeding was linked to a reduced risk of obesity and hyperactivity and measures of higher intelligence, but that breast advantage evaporated once they looked at families where one child was breast - fed and one wasn't (my exact situation — my older son got the breast while the younger one had to settle for formula because I had low supply).
In addition, «researchers found that women's exposure to pesticides during pregnancy, measured through urine samples, was associated with negative impacts on their children's IQ and neurobehavioral development, as well as with ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] diagnoses.»
They measured only certain aspects of depressive symptoms, the same goes for anxiety and hyperactivity — none of the used questionnaires were clinical tools.
In grades 5 — 6 and 7 — 8, we find a significant worsening of the situation for the following measures: hyperactivity, anxiety, physical aggression, interpersonal competencies and emotional quotient.
Owners also completed the Dog - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale (Dog - ADHD RS), a more general measure of activity and attention.
In fact, one study showed that among 5 to 7 year old children, those scoring the highest on a measure of hyperactivity had reading scores that were 40 % lower than those children scoring the lowest (McGee, Prior, Williams, Smart, and Sanson, 2002).
The scales measure emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity — inattention, peer relationship problems and prosocial behaviours (not included in the current study).
For hyperactivity / inattention measured with ASRS, the test of pairwise comparisons did not reveal any differences between groups (all p > 0.05), although the ANOVA did show a main effect (p = 0.032) and the never poor group had the lowest mean score.
A curious finding was seen for symptoms of hyperactivity — inattention measured with the ASRS.
Neuropsychological performance measures as intermediate phenotypes for attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder: A multiple mediation analysis.
Children's self - control during their first decade of life was measured using nine measures of self - control: observational ratings of children's lack of control (3 and 5 y of age) and parent, teacher, and self - reports of impulsive aggression, hyperactivity, lack of persistence, inattention, and impulsivity (5, 7, 9, and 11 y of age).
The measure includes two subscales: Inattention and Hyperactivity — Impulsivity.
Reh et al22 investigated the factor structure and concurrent and discriminant validity of QbTest and found the hyperactivity factor correlated with teacher ratings of hyperactive behaviour, providing evidence for the utility of including this additional measure of activity in a CPT.
Findings indicate that the 18 SWAN items measure a common latent trait as well as orthogonal factors or dimensions of inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity.
A pre-intervention and postintervention measure showed that students with clinically significant hyperactivity and behavioral difficulties scores were the most sensitive to the Coping Power Program intervention.
Father involvement increased for current couples group participants, though not as much as for benchmark couples group participants; they showed statistically similar positive changes on 6 measures (decline in parenting stress, stability in couple relationship satisfaction, children's hyperactivity, social withdrawal, psychological symptoms, increased income).
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The purpose of this study was to evaluate Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) in children with attention - deficit ⁄ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Level of household income was the measure most consistently related to behavioural development with children in lower income households at higher risk of difficulties with conduct, emotional development and hyperactivity than those in higher income households.
The scale includes 25 questions which are used to measure five aspects of the child's development - emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity / inattention, peer relationship problems and pro-social behaviour.
Infant mental health (as measured by behavioural assessments of emotional disorders, hyperactivity and conduct disorders).
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a modified version of Defiant Children in children with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The present study utilized information from Abikoff et al. (2015) to determine whether the presence of comorbid oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) differentially moderated the outcome of two behavioral parent training (BPT) programs in a sample of preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): One designed specifically for ADHD: New Forest Parenting Programme (NFPP) and one designed primarily for ODD: Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC).
The nature and severity of symptoms of ADHD were measured using 9 inattention items, 6 hyperactivity items, and 3 impulsivity items from the Child Symptom Inventory - 4 (CSI - 4, Gadow and Sprafkin 1994).
The treatment group displayed a statistically significant reduction in hyperactivity; however, there were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups on measures of conduct problems, peer problems, social — emotional competence, or disruptive behaviors.
Predictive validity was evaluated by examining the relationships of age 3 SDQ scores with age 5 diagnostic measures of attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder / Asperger syndrome, and teacher - reported measures of personal, social, and emotional development.
Notes: Letters A — D indicate the four repeated measures for the study, each comprising two financial difficulty measures over which change is calculated, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - hyperactivity subscale outcome (SDQ Hhyperactivity subscale outcome (SDQ HyperactivityHyperactivity)
Note: Letters A — D indicate the four repeated measures for the study, each comprising two financial difficulty measures over which change is calculated, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - hyperactivity subscale outcome
Using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), we examined symptoms of ADHD measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) hyperactivity subscale in relation to parent - reported changes in financial difficulty, grouped into four repeated measures at four time points across childhood; (n = 6416).
Several studies have addressed the validity of the parent - reported SDQ in school - aged samples, predominantly confirming the intended 5 - factor structure.5, 6 A 3 - factor configuration of externalizing (conduct problems and hyperactivity), internalizing (emotional and peer problems), and prosocial factors has also been proposed and suggested for use in epidemiologic studies and in low - risk populations.7, 8 The internal reliability of SDQ subscales has been predominantly examined by using Cronbach's α, a measure of the interrelatedness of items; however, α estimates are a lower bound for reliability and is often underestimated.9 A meta - analytic review reported weighted mean α coefficients extracted from 26 studies that showed generally modest reliabilities for parent reports (0.53 < α < 0.76).10 McDonald's ω, which estimates the proportion of a scale measuring a construct, typically yields higher reliability estimates but has rarely been used to assess reliability of the SDQ.
None of the self reported measures had an α > 0.70 and only the hyperactivity — inattention subscale for the parent scale and the hyperactivity — inattention and the prosocial behaviour scales for the teacher scale reached this level.
SDQ total difficulties scores (summed hyperactivity, conduct, emotional, and peer problem scores) were significantly associated with «treatment status» and «presence of any disorder» criteria, supporting concurrent criterion validity of the measure.15, 16 However, each preschool SDQ study was limited to a cross-sectional design, prohibiting examination of factor structure stability over time and validity in predicting future psychopathology.
After adjusting for a broad range of confounder variables, the associations between parent - rated hyperactivity / inattention and conduct problems measured at age 3 and academic outcomes at age 16 (national General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination results) were investigated (n = 11640).
These covariates were; age, antisocial behaviour severity, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) severity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) severity, anxiety / depression severity and the Quality of the Family Environment (QFE) measure.
These included child age at completion of the measures of financial difficulty and hyperactivity in months from the child's birth date to the date the parent reported filling in the questionnaire.
Specifically, this factor, but not the group factors, correlated strongly with ADHD inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity symptom groups, and other measures of behavioural and emotional problems.
The DBD contains four scales composed of the DSM - IV criteria for ADHD Inattention, ADHD Hyperactivity / Impulsivity, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder (for psychometrics see outcome measure ADHD - symptoms).
5727 mother - child pairs (49.9 % boys) monitored since pregnancy (delivery date between 1 April, 1991 and 31 December, 1992) reported intake of fish and processed foods at 32 weeks gestation and, for the child, at 3 years; EOP (n = 666) and Low conduct problem (Low CP, n = 5061) trajectories were measured from 4 to 13 years; hyperactivity and emotional difficulties were assessed in childhood (4 — 10 years) and early adolescence (12 — 13 years), in addition to potential confounding factors (family adversity, birth complications, income).
We tested a recently proposed trait impulsivity model by dimensionally examining measures of childhood inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity separately as predictors of later externalizing behavior in an all - female longitudinal sample of 228 young women.
Self - reported psychopathic - like traits, measured by the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory - Short version (YPI - S), were uniquely associated with substance abuse, anger / irritability, conduct problems and hyperactivity, but not with internalizing problems.
Hyperactivity was measured by the following five items: «restless, overactive, can not stay still for long,» «constantly fidgeting or squirming,» «easily distracted, concentration wanders» «thinks things out before acting,» [reverse coded] and «sees tasks through to the end, good attention span» [reverse coded].
However, most of this research has not included measures of disorders that appear in childhood [e.g., attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)-RSB-, nor has it considered the full range of possibilities for the latent structure of externalizing behaviors, particularly factor mixture models, which allow for a latent factor to have both continuous and categorical dimensions.
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