Sentences with phrase «hyperbolic claims»

He cautions against outlandish and hyperbolic claims.
Explicitly excluding depressive illness from those conditions which would qualify for doctor assisted suicide would go a long way towards addressing the hyperbolic claims by some that a deluge of «death doctors» will descend on Canada's mentally ill.
As the adjacent graph of NOAA empirical evidence (5 - year averages) reveals, the alarmists» hyperbolic claims are without any scientific merit.
The consensus position is the mainstream scientific view --- not the hyperbolic claims of environmental groups or others that support climate change policies.
This year, Carbon Brief was forced to publish two factchecks rebutting hyperbolic claims about the «burden» EVs will place on the UK's grid.
But they wind up only revealing the lack of gravitas in their hyperbolic claims.
This is why, perhaps, the majority of Western shmups pin their hopes on procedurally - generated levels and offer a huge range of weapon variety, such as the forthcoming «bullet - hell dungeon crawler,» Enter the Gungeon, or the Borderlands series» hyperbolic claims of a gazillion guns.
But, if we can agree to set aside hyperbolic claims that reform has «worked» and avoid suggesting that missteps are just part of an evil scheme, we can get to the question I want to discuss: Why have good intentions and energetic efforts so often disappointed?
I feel that a lot of the advance hype for Raw — making all sorts of hyperbolic claims about how extreme and shocking it is — has been a little bit misrepresentative of what kind of film it is.
The opening moments of Lincoln put those hyperbolic claims in perspective, as Steven Spielberg — with his usual flair for highlighting how truly ugly war really is — shows a nation so divided that its opposing factions are killing one another in numbers so extreme that the bodies are literally piling up on top of one another.
When I ask him why he left angel investing (which he was doing after selling Red Swoosh) to run Uber, his rambling, five - minute answer includes two hyperbolic claims, a mixed metaphor («It's so complex all you can do is swim in uncertainty»), childish whimsy («that is my happy place»), and, believe it or not, an unironic Braveheart reference.
I removed the possibly hyperbolic claim about Steve Bannon's political positions, because it isn't relevant for answering the question.

Not exact matches

Some behavioural theorists claim that if you graph it out, our preferences over time resemble a hyperbolic curve.
After his pep rally at Liberty, Trump was flying high, claiming with his usual hyperbolic flourish that Christians just LOVE him.
Nash promises to demonstrate that character education is a «deeply and seriously flawed» project, «unnecessarily apocalyptic... inherently authoritarian in its convictions... excessively nostalgic and premodern in its understanding of virtue, too closely aligned with a reactionary... politics, anti-intellectual in its curricular initiatives, hyperbolic in its moral claims, dangerously antidemocratic,» and more.
And remarkably they've only been doing all that since Saint Ronnie whom they all claim to worship but whom they also do not emulate in that they actually try to act on the hyperbolic rhetoric instead of just recognize it for the base stirrer it is.
Marya's hyperbolic description of a meeting and claiming she heard someone say «the blood of Jesus Christ» I mean c'm on.
If the previous claim reads slightly clunky and definitely hyperbolic, it's likely because Cooper's book, on the whole, is torn between its academic and populist inclinations.
Such claims were, of course, hyperbolic at best.
Earlier today, The Sun ran with a typically hyperbolic article claiming the 3DS was causing thousands to suffer «dizziness and headaches», resulting in «record return levels» for Nintendo's brand new portable.
Enthusiasts like me get bent out of shape when Ebert claims games «can never be art» (though, to be fair, his argument is a bit more subtle than that); but we get equally lathered up when the New York Times games critic succumbs to hyperbolic euphoria in his game reviews.
You would think that would have ended the hyperbolic co2 claims decades ago but obviously it didn't.
Specifically, I've been struck by studies (and hyperbolic headlines) that claim that EVs can cause more pollution than gasoline cars, depending on the grid's energy mix at any given location.
You make it so easy to point out your hyperbolic extremism, which should be an embarrassment to anyone who claims you to be an ally in any way.
In the lower courts, it's usually hyperbolic (and frowned upon) to claim the issue at hand is one of national importance.
«I think that the claims that blockchains will change the world are hyperbolic for the most part,» he zapped in an email to Fortune.
But while Iovine's claim of «revolution» seemed hyperbolic, his assessment of the central challenge was spot on: the only song more important than the one you're listening to is the one that comes next.
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