Sentences with phrase «hyperbolic statements»

"Hyperbolic statements" are exaggerated or over-the-top statements that are not meant to be taken literally. They are often used to emphasize a point or create dramatic effect. Full definition
For anyone committed to humanitarian inclinations, military force — so easily legitimated through hyperbolic statements of threat, and dramatic images of missiles precisely destroying targets through an aircraft's gun - sights — should be treated with deep scepticism.
Just got to wax lyrical and make hyperbolic statements.
Emotions have run exceptionally high in this campaign — so high that hyperbolic statements about the likelihood of one candidate or the other torpedoing stocks, capsizing the bond market, or crippling the economy have the ring of truth for many voters.
Going Google in Education: its hard not to use hyperbolic statements when describing Google Apps for Education.
From the frontline: I'm having an interesting conversation at Klimazwiebel, where one particularly hyperbolic statement by the Heartland from their Fundraising document (the K - 12 curriculum) is still «defended» denial - style by many posters by placing strawmen and throwing red herrings.
«It's an ambitious and hyperbolic statement, but it's becoming easier to predict the future,» Zohar says.
That sounds like a hyperbolic statement, but I'm very serious.
While this hyperbolic statement is grossly misleading, the study itself is very interesting, reinforcing things that we already knew about individual diet response and while also shedding light on some new areas.
Saying that it's for everyone is just a hyperbolic statement to try and express how this game's much broader scope and greater variety of potential gameplay mechanics will appeal to more than just the devout MGS fans.
Birdman is one of those rare films worthy of all the hyperbolic statements it's sure to generate, full of a lovely, weird energy that ends perfectly with a shot of a pair of wide eyes smiling.
Freedom has been thrown around with a lot of hyperbolic statements these past few months («Great American Novel,» «masterpiece»), but if you don't understand what the big deal is — this post is for you.
From a critical perspective it is an awful awful movie that adds ideas that retroactively hurt the better Alien movies, though it might be an hyperbolic statement that will depend how much one does care about that aspect, since certainly Ridley Scott is more interested in using the IP to do creative visuals to tell a really weak allegory of christian themes.
And, that's not a hyperbolic statement, either; it undeniably pushes the PlayStation 4 to its limits.
The court has already declared in Mann's case that argumentative or hyperbolic statements made during contentious exchanges over controversial issues do not, necessarily, «find shelter under the First Amendment simply because they are embedded in a larger policy debate.»
Surely this is a hyperbolic statement.
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