Sentences with word «hyperlexia»

If so, your child may have a disorder called hyperlexia.
People with hyperlexia show heightened activity in the left superior temporal cortex, which is associated with understanding the sounds of speech.
Eden and her colleagues published the first - ever fMRI study of individuals with dyslexia (Nature, 1996; 348: 66 - 69) and then the first imaging study of hyperlexia, in which a child with autism displays precocious reading ability (Neuron, 2004; 41: 11 - 25).
However, precocious reading early in the preschool period by otherwise normally developing children is well documented, as is a developmental disorder called hyperlexia, in which children with low levels of cognitive and linguistic skills can decode written text with high accuracy.
This may sound familiar: you have kids on the autism spectrum, kids with dyslexia, kids with hyperlexia, kids with ADD, kids with ADHD, and so on.
Eden's work suggests that hyperlexia and dyslexia are opposite extremes, neurologically speaking.
If so, your child may have a disorder called hyperlexia.
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