Sentences with phrase «hyperphysical human concepts»

Some argue that even the most advanced human concepts are built up from basic building blocks that are shared across species, such as notions of past and future; similarity and difference; and agent and object.
That said, though, I also disagree with your throwing away of human concepts such as omniscience.
Logic is a human concept, to describe the natural.
I think, if you look into it, you will realize that «supernatural» is just a human concept to compartmentalize aspects of the natural world that we do not yet understand.
Pure evil and pure good are imagined human concepts without examples and without proof.
-- the Bible being a collection of stories about trying to understanding the human concept of «God.»
The revelatory permission has been utilized only when the human record and human concepts failed to supply an adequate thought pattern.
Accepting the biblical understanding of love as central to any human concept of the divine is at the heart of Williams» enterprise, directly challenging the Augustinian formulation as a corruption of this.23 Love is «spirit taking form in history.»
Yes robert brown... these are all HUMAN concepts... You will find similar passages in many other religions and or human studies.
Just like the book itself... a human concept.
Philosophy is great when dealing with abstract, human concepts (beacuse it's process is based around the human as the standard) but without some way to test philosophical treaties, you are just doing thought experiments which may or may not have any bearing on events in the «real» world.
Whatever truth there may be in the assertion that man makes God in his own image, the affirmation of faith carries with it a clear distinction between the concept of God (which indeed is man - made, just as all human concepts are man - made) and God himself.
If God can be known in what we call experiences of transcendence or ultimacy, then of course theology can talk of God, as it can of any other human concept.
The human concept of «existence» is a temporally dependant idea.
But please be aware of the limitations of human language and of human concepts.
The danger is that in doing this the preacher may suggest that this is but a human concept.
Also that when Jesus said to call no man Father it was because he knew we'd mess it up with our human concept of hierarchy — and, in our minds, impose harsh, top - down characteristics on God based on those exhibited by human fathers.
The former extreme leads to intolerance and superstition, or the idolatry of confusing God with a certain book or tradition, or a certain human concept, the latter leads to atheism, the most rational form of which is precisely the doubt whether any form of God - talk makes sense.
For one thing, the Bible does not claim to be a study in evolving human concepts; it claims to be revelation, a series of words from God of which human beings could never have conceived on their own.
For the mystery of love has become incarnate and wishes to be understood in and through human concepts.
The transcendental concerns our experience of the infinite and that which escapes human concepts.
Evolution easily explains the development of human concepts of good and evil.
You see, I also do not believe that God is a white bearded old man in a nightshirt... The God (dess) I understand is too huge, too eternally absolute and too immense an ultimate and perfect Love and a complete manifestation of Allness to be limited by human concepts.
In the third place, Wieman turned attention away from human concepts and values to the reality of God as that which is of interest to the religious person.
But the reverent silence of the Buddhists before the «emptiness» of the transcendent, beyond all dialectic of human concepts, is pregnant with its own beneficence.
The pre-Socratic response to this experience was essentially poetic: not an attempt to devise a hierarchy of categories by which to capture the event in a cage of human concepts but, rather, an attempt to name the event of being in its mystery, with an almost childlike innocence, in a language of purest immediacy.
Morality is a human concept, thought up by human brains, defined by human actions and ideas.
The fact that it was developed at all means it's a human concept.
Stunning discoveries about how babies and children develop can help answer questions about deeply human concepts such as morality, identity and consciousness, says Alison Gopnik
The years that I spent studying verbs and what they mean involved a leap of intuition that this would be a way of tapping into human concepts and cognitive framing — in other words, the stuff of thought.
Studying weekly cycles — a human concept — in metereological variables is a common point of research, since it allows scientists to examine the level of human influence on nature.
Information, however it is defined, is a truly human concept and only part of the universe in that it is in the human mind.
A new scientific study documenting the linguistic practices of the Northwestern Amazonian peoples uncovers an unusual method of communicating the human concept of time.
Yes, the characters do stupid things and, yes, it's basically the same old aliens - chase - humans concept we've all seen a dozen times by now, but Alien: Covenant is also beautifully shot, legitimately compelling, and laden with all sorts of crazy alien attacks.
Even more, the film delves into a universal human concept with its exploration of the corrosive nature of vengeance and how it destroys lives and relationships.
Unlike other supercars, which are beholden to their parent company's budget, the Chiron seems limited only by human concepts of physics and natural laws.
The animal kingdom is never concerned with the human concept of «fair».
Dogs, and animals in general, don't acknowledge or understand the human concept of «fair».
By the way, dogs don't do things out of spite, which is a human concept.
My Dot Earth participation over the last eight months is mainly motivated by the deep linkage between the (very real) human concepts / dynamics of morality and the notion of sustainability.
Social networks are great tools, but «social» is exclusively a human concept.
He drew up a list of 200 basic human concepts (expressed in English words) as part of this glottochronological exercise.

Not exact matches

Canada's digital privacy laws should focus on preventing «concrete harm,» not abstract concepts of autonomy and human dignity, and should minimize the compliance burden on businesses, according to a new report from the Macdonald - Laurier Institute for Public Policy.
«Freakonomics,» a 2010 film based on the book by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, explores the scientific and economic concepts behind human behavior.
Much of human psychology is built around the concept of associations; when we eat something sweet, we experience a release of feel - good chemicalsm like dopamine; that way, we learn to associate sweet foods with a pleasant experience.
One of the best ways to prevent artificial intelligence from harming humans might be to shape the concept of AI in such a way that harm seems antithetical to the definition of the technology, University of California - Berkeley computer science professor Stuart Russell suggested.
Some are intrigued by the concept (such as Frank Vasquez, a recording engineer with Snoop Dogg's Doggy Style Records) while others view the claim that software can approximate human mastering as downright offensive.
Although there's overwhelming scientific consensus behind the concept that human behavior is affecting the climate, most of the world and the U.S. in particular is still dealing with climate change deniers.
He originated the «human to human» business concept — the belief that all commercial activity, whether its business to business or business to consumer, is fundamentally human to human.
IDEO brings a human - centered approach to products, services, and organizational concepts for the likes of Samsung, Eli Lilly (LLY), and Bank of America (BAC).
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