Sentences with phrase «hypocrisy of kinder»

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One of the things I've done in my work is kind of show the hypocrisy of progressive people who say they believe in inequality, but when it comes to their individual choices about where they're going to live and where they're going to send their children, they make very different decisions, and I just didn't want to do that.
People who claim to follow Christ but find all kinds of excuses not to act Christ - like need to be exposed for their hypocrisy.
I want that kind of power and hypocrisy in my life and to teach it to my kids!
It is the hypocrisy they scream about at an obscene level and if they were so open minded, they'd welcome a world of all kinds of different thought.
It is not about avoiding hypocrisy, but about choosing what kind of hypocrite you want to be.
Some kinds of hypocrisy are inevitable, even desirable.
I see hypocrisy and vitriol from both Christians, Agnostics, and Atheists so it just proves that people are still people, being gay or fat or devoutly Christian or not has nothing to do what kind of person you are and my wife and I have gay and straight friends, agnostic friends, evangelical friends, we don't discriminate, which is what Jesus Christ would have done in the first place.
Clearly they don't mind the hypocrisy in conservative Christians accepting money from billionaires who own casinos in Las Vegas and many other countries where all kinds of gambling and debauchery occur.
I always kind of wondered HOW she was caught in adultery, and if it wasn't some extra hypocrisy among the religious leaders, in that maybe the man she was «adulterating with» was one of them.
In the first two chapters of the letter, James points out instances of hypocrisy When we say we have faith but do not care for the widow and orphan, what kind of faith are we confessing?
It is not dissimulation that Jesus preaches, but reserve; not a new kind of hypocrisy in place of the old, but an honesty in God's sight that renounces all esteem in the eyes of men; for to accept the praise of men means cheating God, to whom alone belongs praise.
«I was kind of pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that if the goal is and the message is that of police brutality, which they've stated, that that doesn't seem very appropriate to protest the American flag.
Dude, that kind of rampant hypocrisy is the fabric that holds these boards together.
Many pointed out the hypocrisy in Ingraham's comments, as FOX News regularly gives a platform to all kinds of people with all kinds of professions and expertise talking all kinds of politics that — according to their very own rhetoric — have no business commenting on them in the first place.
With reports online that Tory MPs were still being told to brand Labour's demand for a fuel duty freeze «the worst kind of hypocrisy» at 12:30 BST yesterday, Ms Smith's inability to stick to a government line seems considerably more understandable.
On one front Government of Ghana harassing investors from Middle East and at the same time going back to them begging for more investment in their country what kind of hypocrisy is that?
While railing against government hypocrisy, religious ignorance, and media - reinforced herd mentality, Bill found transcendence through substance use, which nearly destroyed him (when asked why he ultimately quit drugs, he'd respond that «once you've been taken aboard a UFO, it's kind of hard to top that»).
The hypocrisy of this legislation is that it is sponsored by CTA and UTLA, two unions that pride themselves for standing up for the due process rights of their teachers and yet they would dare deny due process for parents, students and other educational leaders with this kind of draconian legislation.
The kind of hypocrisy you are implying only exists if the situations are DIRECTLY comparable.
It's this kind of hypocrisy that would drive me insane if I didn't have such a keenly developed sense of humor.
This hypocrisy rings all kinds of alarm bells for me.
What most definitely is scandalous is the vile hypocrisy of Soon's harrassment by the warmist establishment, which receives billions every year from the US government, left - wing charities, and billionaire activists like Tom Steyer and George Soros to prop up their bankrupt cause by promoting exactly the kind of junk science which Soon (and similarly principled scientists) have made it their business to shred.
I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Randazza's claim, while at the same time he supports this kind of behavior from his colleague and fellow blogger, i.e. Simple Justice.
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