Sentences with phrase «hypoglycemic attacks»

If you have a tiny breed it is advisable to keep Karo syrup on hand in case of hypoglycemic attacks which may look like listlessness, malaise, or exhaustion.
If you can't determine the cause the puppy will probably have another hypoglycemic attack and next time you might not be as lucky.
Hopefully your puppy is fine now, but I can't stress how important it is to determine what caused the hypoglycemic attack to occur if the first place.
The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs on the basis that the driver was in a position to monitor their blood sugar but failed to observe the necessary precautions to avoid a hypoglycemic attack.

Not exact matches

Her thyroid was swollen, she was dizzy, became hypoglycemic, was freezing even when it was 90 degrees outside, had terrible anxiety, a hyperactive nervous system, headaches, muscle and joint pains, panic attacks and could lose and gain the same 20 pounds in a matter of weeks!
Mood swings, chronic fatigue, foggy thinking, depression, leg cramps, migraine headaches, heavy painful periods, anemia, endometriosis, shooting back and extremity pain, water retention and bloating, sleep dysfunction, anxiety attacks, thinning hair, allergies, chronic sinus infections, fever blisters, acne, dry skin, infertility, hypoglycemic symptoms and fibroids are only a few of the many symptoms that dominated my life for almost two years.
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