Sentences with word «hypomotility»

If your veterinarian does not hear anything then the dog vomiting and diarrhea could be caused by fluids in the digestive system passing quickly through the body (called hypomotility), blockage of the small or large intestine (ileus), fluid that accumulates or inflammation of the tissue that lines the abdomen (diffuse peritonitis).
Nelson's team is investigating the relationship of motility — contractions responsible for the digestion of food — with increased GDV risk, and hopes to define the biochemical and genetic alterations that may be associated with hypomotility — abnormally weak contractions.
In some people, peristalsis may go too quickly, known as hypermotility, or too slowly, known as hypomotility.
If digestion becomes sluggish, it can become a dangerous condition called caecal hypomotility.
Dr. Norsworthy's theory is that the presence of vomiting alone or vomiting with weight loss indicates that small bowel thickening causes hypomotility, which is deficient motility or movement of all or part of the GI tract.
Dr. Norsworthy also believes that hypomotility of the small bowel is the cause of hairball formation.
A fecal flotation test is used to test for gastric hypomotility (ability to make normal bowel movements).
Decreased digestive motility, or hypomotility, could indicate something more serious.
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