Sentences with word «hyponatraemia»

Iatrogenic acute hyponatraemia in a college athlete.
The benefit of not doing a water birth is that your baby won't drown, aspirate faecally contaminated water, or suffer hyponatraemia secondary to swallowing lots of water.
WHO is planning to monitor this very carefully by doing what we call «post-marketing» studies: in areas where the new ORS will first be introduced, they will monitor the incidence / prevalence of hyponatraemia, biochemically as well as clinically.
Drinking too much water that your kidneys can not flush out in the limited time can cause hyponatraemia in which sodium level of body are significantly reduced.
But a small portion of marathon runners develop symptomatic hyponatraemia.
Individuals using SSRIs were more likely to experience a stroke, die, fall or fracture, have a seizure or epilepsy and have hyponatraemia in comparison to TCAs.
Antidepressant use was then analyzed against a number of unfavorable outcomes which include attempted suicide or self harm, all - cause fatality, stroke, heart attack, fractures, falls, epilepsy or seizures and hyponatraemia (high sodium concentrations within the bloodstream).
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