Sentences with phrase «hypotheses for»

«One of the most likely hypotheses for explaining the drop in HBP use is that first - time buyers did not manage to contribute to their RRSP at the same pace as property prices increased,» says Cardinal.
Hypotheses for evidence of concurrent validity were partially supported.
Tests of four hypotheses for the comorbidity of attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder
Competing hypotheses for explaining the role of anxiety in the relation between attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and childhood aggression were evaluated.
Considering that this was the first investigation of parents» appraisals of and responding to child emotion in the families of children with CU traits, we did not make specific hypotheses for mothers and fathers.
Above, we developed hypotheses for the relations of various dimensions of coparenting with child anxiety and do not repeat these here.
There are two broad hypotheses for recent climate change: human causes and natural causes (with numerous sub-hypotheses contained within).
They can test hypotheses for climate changes in the past and so on.
So what are possible physical hypotheses for the no significant effect finding?
Elliott, Louis P & Brook, Barry W. (2007) Revisiting Chamberlin: Multiple Working Hypotheses for the 21st Century.
Several hypotheses for how Arctic warming may be influencing mid-latitude weather patterns have been proposed.
In the process, I'll show that every one of the alternate hypotheses for Venus» surface temperature is incorrect.
«Models» are tools to help scientists understand patterns, and formulate hypotheses for further testing.
Several hypotheses for how Arctic warming may be influencing mid-latitude weather patterns have been proposed recently.
From WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS Chemistry says Moon is proto - Earth's mantle, relocated Data confirm model in which impact pulverizes Earth like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon Measurements of an element in Earth and Moon rocks have just disproved the leading hypotheses for the origin of the Moon.
It's replete with the titles of articles such as «Marine biota effects on the compositional structure of the world oceans,» «Testing Distributed Parameter Hypotheses for the Detection of Climate Change,» and «Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.»
That is one of the leading hypotheses for the mechanism at work in the glacial - interglacial temperature driven CO2 rise, the ~ 800 yr lag is very similar to the ocean overturning timescale.
We address three hypotheses for the shell δ13C decline that is 2.5 times greater than expected based on atmospheric CO2 levels and the assumption that atmospheric CO2 is in equilibrium with the pCO2 of the surface ocean (e.g. [19]-RRB-.
Cass, D. and J. E. Stiglitz (1969): «The implications of alternative saving and expectations hypotheses for choices of technique and patterns of growth,» Journal of Political Economy, 586 - 627.
Such a goal is fundamentally unscientific, as it is hostile to alternative hypotheses for the causes of climate change.»
[Response: i) GCMs are not «CO2 based» — hypotheses for climate change might or might not be, ii) the Eocene is not historical (it is pre-historical), iii) this is an interesting paper since it uses a little more imagination than usual.
We note that much of the challenge to CRU «s work has not always followed the conventional scientific method of checking and seeking to falsify conclusions or offering alternative hypotheses for peer review and publication.
Now, some of the hypotheses for dog behavioral changes aren't crazy at all.
Popular hypotheses for this include the idea that 12th - graders may be overloaded with tests and simply don't take the exam seriously since it has no stakes attached.
The digital ECMs in this study were refined through multiple field tests with in - service teachers (Callahan et al., 2013a, 2014) and continued data - driven hypotheses for their optimal design and use (Callahan et al., 2013b).
Following tabulation of the responses, MIDAS ™ results are offered back to the person not as hard and unchanging truth, but rather as useful hypotheses for appraisal, elaboration, and action planning.
Three of four hypotheses for greater conceptual understanding were supported, with significant gains found in the ability to model functions, interpret functions, and translate functions.
The authors investigate several hypotheses for why this might be.
Middle and high school kids, working in teams of three or four, can explore the virtual town, interacting with signs, characters, and each other as they create and test hypotheses for what's causing the illness.
But Tough makes a compelling enough case that it should help inform policymakers and practitioners as well as generate additional hypotheses for researchers.
Exploring Early Childhood Teachers» Professional Experiences in a High - Risk Setting: Generating Hypotheses for Enhanced Professional Development.
I explore three broad hypotheses for why African Americans might not have benefited as much as whites from the funding initiatives: 1) kindergarten funding disproportionately drew African Americans out of higher - quality education settings; 2) instead of raising additional revenue to fund local kindergarten programs fully, school districts offered lower - quality kindergarten programs to African Americans or moved funds from existing school programs from which African Americans may have disproportionately benefited; and 3) African Americans were more adversely affected by any subsequent «upgrading» of school curricula as more students entered elementary grades having attended kindergarten.
In an interview, eHarmony CEO Dr. Neil Clark Warren gave me some sort of plausible hypotheses for why the findings turned out the way they did.
While not conclusive, such outcomes should be used as background for forming hypotheses for the conduct of human clinical trials.
Our best hypotheses for optimal health should be based a historic and prehistoric dietary perspective on food and sunshine and tested based on real food intake and sunshine exposure and not on refined supplement intake.
Some of the hypotheses for the association between depression and celiac disease include the following:
They can test hypotheses for climate changes in the past and so on.
This discovery approach greatly enhances the future potential of epistasis analysis for systems biology, and can complement genome - wide association studies as a means of formulating hypotheses for targeted experimental work.
Goebel now presents two alternative hypotheses for the peopling of Beringia and the Americas, one via the mammoth steppe before the last glacial maximum 25 - 20 kya, and colonization during the last glacial maximum 14 - 12 kya (Goebel 1999:224).
That year also marked their development of three new hypotheses for how glaucoma is initiated and where new therapeutic targets may be found.
The phenomenon challenges biophysicists to formulate testable hypotheses for mechanisms responsible for magnetoreception of inconsistencies of the direction of the MF direction.
A number of hypotheses for the low glacial CO2 concentrations have emerged over the past 20 years, and a rich body of literature is available (Webb et al., 1997; Broecker and Henderson, 1998; Archer et al., 2000; Sigman and Boyle, 2000; Kohfeld et al., 2005).
The «Groovy Galilean Satellites» session at last week's Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) covered the moons from a wide range of angles: analysis of past mission data, testable hypotheses for future missions, and discussion of the use of ground - based data.
Several hypotheses for how Arctic warming may be influencing mid-latitud... More >>
Although variation in the premolar root complex has informed taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses for these fossil hominin species, traditionally there has been a focus on external root form, number, and position.
«The information we have gained about the dynamic changes in ECM composition and its interactions with various secreted growth factor proteins enables us to develop new hypotheses for the activation of stem cells in the lung,» explains Dr. Herbert Schiller, first author of the study.
Now a team has killed off one of the leading hypotheses for their origin, increasing the likelihood that the explanation relies on dark matter, the mysterious stuff making up 27 per cent of the cosmos.
A number of hypotheses for the 49 - million - year - old monolith have been put forward over the years but most involve a subterranean explanation.
As biological data is becoming more abundant and available, data - driven analytics methods and high - performance computing systems are becoming more useful in suggesting novel hypotheses for life sciences experiments and discovery.
Current competing hypotheses for the mammoth's extinction point to human hunting or climate change, possibly combining in a deadly one - two punch.
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