Sentences with phrase «hypothesised by»

However, what the data clearly shows is that there is no CO2 signature, as hypothesised by the proponenst fo CAGW.
This can be hypothesised by giving antiinflammatories which should lead to improvement with relapse occurring after treatment has stopped, ideally an x-ray should be taken to confirm.
The founder, David Jay, a 30 - year - old scientific researcher from San Francisco, says that human asexuality started to be hypothesised by scientific researchers in the 1970s and 1980s, but that it has only...
as hypothesised by Darwin.
That is a fact and not mere hypothesising by me.

Not exact matches

The fact that, in the multiverse theory, the hypothesised universes are necessarily inter-connected, by being defined relative to each other, makes the first option an even less viable escape route for atheists, we would think.
Recent attempts to explain away the fine - tuning of the universe's laws by hypothesising a «multiverse» of different universes do not convince Davies: «The multiverse theory is increasingly popular, but it doesn't so much explain the laws of physics as dodge the whole issue.
Capellas hypothesises that chestnut flour sourdough was not popular with consumers «probably due to the reduction in the characteristic sweet taste of chestnut flour caused by sourdough fermentation».
A report by Christian Aid, Enough is Enough: The Debt Repudiation Option, hypothesises that had the money spent to service foreign debt «been spent on healthcare, education and infrastructure, the millennium development goals — which today seem like a fantasy — might have been within the world's grasp» (p. 9).
For more than 60 years, researchers have been hypothesising that the diseases are caused by, among other factors, changes to the level of the neurotransmitter.
The team, led by Professor Laurence Hurst at the Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath hypothesised that since core concepts of genetics (such as DNA and mutation) are so intimately linked to the core concepts of evolution, then priming students with genetics information might help their understanding of evolution.
We hypothesised that this antibody, directed against the substrate rather than the enzyme, could inhibit cleavage of AβPP by β - secretase via steric hindrance and thus reduce downstream production of Aβ.
We hypothesised that breast CSC numbers would be altered in hypoxia via dedifferentiation of non-CSC or by expansion of the CSC subpopulation.
This has been attributed to high - velocity jets of CSF caused by obstruction of the foramen magnum by the herniated portion of the cerebellum and overcrowded brain parenchyma in the caudal occipital region [5] which is hypothesised to set up a hydrostatic pressure differential between the spinal cord and subarachnoid space and results in the accumulation of perivascular fluid which eventually forms a syrinx [9].
SMB is quite uncertain, and earlier in their paper they hypothesise a 10x increase in SMB by 2100 (which I assume implies a ~ 5 times increase in accumulated SLR from this over the century assuming linear growth), which might be an extra uncertainty of another 35 cm maybe.
A hypothesised BNO (R) defies the evidence provided by OHC measurements.
the loose correlation between the apparent observed temps and his scenario C, is more than likely just the natural variation of climate coupled with an ardent wish by Hanson for a link to hypothesised effects....
You then described the cloud system from that perspective; you hypothesised that «a self - adjusting cooling shade of thunderstorms and clouds keeps the afternoon temperature within a narrow range» and contended «I hold that the clouds are caused by the warmth, not that the warmth is caused by the clouds.»
It was an appropriate hypothesis that rests in a knowledge gap (freely admitted by climate scientists - again in the IPCC), but Spencer seemed unable to pinpoint how long - term cloud changes can be decoupled from temperature changes (he hypothesised that ocean / atmospheric processes, like ENSO and PDO, can cause long - term changes in cloud dynamics - but didn't show how that happens).
Richart Tol (2013), Figure 3 shows that GHG emissiosn were net beneficial during last century and projects that will continue for most of this century (all of the century if you exclude hypothesised increasing energy consumption assumed caused by human's GHG emissions).
The «Global Climate» on the other hand is an abstraction, hypothesised to behave according to a number of known physical laws, modified by a range of unknowns.
The diffusion out of their hypothesised thin mixed layer can not be controlled by the diffusion coefficient in the thermocline because their mixed layer is far too thin to reach this thermocline, based on their own figures.
The consistency between an observed change and the estimated response to a hypothesised forcing is often determined by estimating the amplitude of the hypothesised pattern of change from observations and then assessing whether this estimate is statistically consistent with the expected amplitude of the pattern.
These previous mass extinction events (also known as the «Big Five») are hypothesised to have been caused by combinations of key events such as unusual climate change, changes in atmospheric composition, and abnormally high stress on the ecosystem (except in the case of the Cretaceous, which was caused by an asteroid impact and subsequent effects).
Four a priori analyses were undertaken comparing outcomes for the hypothesised subgroups using 2 × 2 factorial ANOVA to assess main (intervention vs comparison group) effects and interaction (intervention by subgroup effects for mothers who were Australian - born vs overseas - born, first - time vs multiparous, had one vs multiple risk factors, and scored EDS ≥ 10 (antenatal psychosocial distress) vs EDS < 10), while maintaining the power of the whole sample.
We hypothesised that (1) objective measures of availability / access to destinations, greenness and a pedestrian - friendly infrastructure would be negatively associated with depressive symptoms; (2) environmental stressors such as signs of crime / disorder, pollution, traffic - related variables and presence of stray dogs would be positively associated with depressive symptoms; (3) older adults living alone would report more depressive symptoms than their counterparts; (4) and the negative effects of living alone on depressive symptoms would be attenuated by better access / availability of destinations and lower levels of environmental stressors.
In fact, a better understanding of the possible interaction between these multidimensional aspects associated with fatigue can potentially assist clinicians in determining better therapeutic programmes for individuals with MS. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to further determine the mediating effects of depression on the association between health - related quality of life and fatigue in individuals with MS.. Since depression is the psychological disorder not intrinsically provoked by the disease, most commonly experienced by individuals with MS, 11 12 we hypothesised that the relationships between health - related qualify of life and the MS - associated fatigue would be mediated by depressive symptoms.
As hypothesised, exposure to violence as assessed by VAWI was significantly associated with self - rated health and having witnessed parental (or equivalent) physical violence when growing up.
The hypothesised partner presence by attachment anxiety interaction was not significant for any outcome measures (see Table 2).
Of these possibilities (emerging vs fading effects) we hypothesised that the short - term benefits of brief universal prevention would be reduced by longer - term follow - up.
Although this finding is not consistent with theoretical models, which hypothesise temperament by environment interactions, [13] it is in keeping with earlier research examining the prediction of anxiety symptoms.
We hypothesised that patients with BN would show lower emotional regulation functioning, expressed by higher levels of positive emotion and reduced anger than healthy controls, which might improve after remission.
The first aim of the study was to test the validity of the YPI in a clinical sample, hypothesising the same factor structure as reported by Andershed et al. (2001).
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