Sentences with phrase «hypothetical model this time»

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The NWQ Fiduciary Model Portfolio is a hypothetical model portfolio only, comprised of actual investment funds that have reported monthly net performance during the time period sModel Portfolio is a hypothetical model portfolio only, comprised of actual investment funds that have reported monthly net performance during the time period smodel portfolio only, comprised of actual investment funds that have reported monthly net performance during the time period shown.
Professor Mojena offers a hypothetical backtest of the timing model since 1970 and a live investing test since 1990 based on the S&P 500 Index (with dividends).
The reason is obvious: when you're talking about hypotheticals — and every econometric model or discussion about how finances might appear in two or three years» time is hypothetical — you are actually in the realm of posturing and performance.
At 8.05 a.m. local time, the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics in Jakarta issued a bulletin about a hypothetical tsunami — modelled on the one that hit Sumatra on Boxing Day 2004 and claimed more than 200,000 lives — to national focal points around the Indian Ocean.
Alessandro Vespignani of Indiana University has calculated the chance the virus will emigrate, using a model that combines detailed travel data, incubation times and the rate of increase of the epidemic, with a range of hypothetical, random travel events (PLoS Current Outbreaks,
Since this is a Model Portfolio (hypothetical), there can be no assurance that an AB client would have achieved similar rates of return over the time frame.
They tested their model against the Earth's temperature records since 1850 — and then ran it again, this time with a hypothetical forest - free world.
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