Sentences with phrase «i.e. lack of food»

Personally I think it's because of two things, the need to farm, i.e. lack of food, and the need to band together i.e. the lack of threat, which is related to the amount of people, or crazy kings and emperors.
I understand St. Francis has the right to confiscate Libby if not being cared for properly (i.e. lack of food / water / shelter, roaming free, or any form of neglect).

Not exact matches

Most hungry children are not hungry only, or even chiefly, for economic reasons, i.e., the lack of money to buy food.
Common problems associated with breastfeeding include the inability of the baby to latch on, painful nursing (i.e., sore, cracked nipples), poor milk production and a lack of adequate weight gain by the baby because they are not getting enough food.
Food doesn't burn fat — a calorie deficit, i.e. a lack of sufficient dietary energy intake, induces your body to burn fat, and the concept of a «fat burning food» is thus oxymoroFood doesn't burn fat — a calorie deficit, i.e. a lack of sufficient dietary energy intake, induces your body to burn fat, and the concept of a «fat burning food» is thus oxymorofood» is thus oxymoronic.
Stasis can be caused by many factors including lack of sufficient exercise, stress, gas bubbles in the stomach, an abscess, changes in their diet (i.e. new pellets), eating the wrong foods or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
As many as 100 million Americans are living with civil justice problems, many of which are rooted in a lack of what the ABA terms «basic human needs», i.e. Food, Shelter, Safety and Health.
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