Sentences with phrase «i.e. poor dog»

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Not breed from a dog that suffers from a poor character i.e. a nervous or aggressive temperament.
My study of dog bite - related fatalities occurring over the past five decades has identified the poor ownership / management practices involved in the overwhelming majority of these incidents: owners obtaining dogs, and maintaining them as resident dogs outside of regular, positive human interaction, often for negative functions (i.e. guarding / protection, fighting, intimidation / status); owners failing to humanely contain, control and maintain their dogs (chained dogs, loose roaming dogs, cases of abuse / neglect); owners failing to knowledgably supervise interaction between children and dogs; and owners failing to spay or neuter dogs not used for competition, show, or in a responsible breeding program.
Boston Terrier Rescue can not place a dog that is aggressive to humans, dogs in poor health (i.e. incurable) are also not suitable for adoption.
«10 Delise, based upon her study of fatal attacks over the past five decades, has identified  poor ownership / management practices involved in the overwhelming majority of these incidents: owners obtaining dogs, and maintaining them as resident dogs outside of the household for purposes other than as family pets (i.e. guarding / protection, fighting, intimidation / status); owners failing to humanely contain, control and maintain their dogs (chained dogs, loose roaming dogs, cases of abuse / neglect); owners failing to knowledgably supervise interaction between children and dogs; and owners failing to spay or neuter resident dogs not used for competition, show, or in a responsible breeding program.4
1) It is such a smal part of Earth's energy system 2) It has such a low thermal inertia 3) It is so easily influenced by ocean cycles (i.e. the troposphere is the tail being wagged by the dog) 4) It is a poor metric (really a poor proxy) for climate sensitivity to GH gas forcing because energy quickly takes so many other forms in the system
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