Sentences with phrase «iatrogenic effect»

Her areas of interest are medicalisation, iatrogenic effects, place of birth and woman's involvement in decision - making and legal issues.
However recent studies regarding CISM seem to indicate iatrogenic effects (Carlier, Lamberts, van Uchelen & Gersons 1998)(Mayou, Ehlers & Hobbs 2000).
Results signify the importance of further research to understand the potential benefits as well as iatrogenic effects of relationship education.
Simultaneously, the proponents of this purported prophylactic speciously explain away or argue for ignoring tangible evidence of actual current harms being inflicted on the child as well as developing iatrogenic effects, and in a defiance of logic reminiscent of theological arguments, insist that the burden falls on the other side to counter their unsupported beliefs.
Peer group dynamics associated with iatrogenic effects in group interventions with high - risk young adolescents
Known as iatrogenic effects, this refers to the negative unintended consequences of a well intentioned act.
In short, Court produces many iatrogenic effects where the unintended harm to parents and children is at times far worse than the benefit from the well intentioned outcome.

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In fact, when practiced correctly, acupuncture and herbal medicine result in zero side effects and almost never produce iatrogenic (doctor - caused) disease.
Systemic corticosteroid overuse can lead to iatrogenic hyperglucocorticoidism and highly deleterious side effects such as «corticosteroid - induced - owner - loss - of - hope!
Hypoproteinemia (osmotic effect), lymphatic blockage, changes in vascular permeability, heart failure, renal disease, iatrogenic overhydration, G. I. disease, neoplasia, drug effects, inhaled toxins, sepsis, inflammation.
But divorce can be an iatrogenic (therapist - induced) side effect of individual therapy for married folks.
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