Sentences with phrase «iatrogenic hyperglucocorticoidism»

The parenting coordinator's ideas introduced into the case, the minutiae that now has a forum, and the inevitable iatrogenic problems virtually guarantee that this is a short - sighted nonsolution to court congestion.
The solutions for the iatrogenic problems caused by these therapeutic interventions are more and more of them.
Older adults are particularly susceptible to iatrogenic disease and communicable diseases, such as influenza.
In short, Court produces many iatrogenic effects where the unintended harm to parents and children is at times far worse than the benefit from the well intentioned outcome.
Known as iatrogenic effects, this refers to the negative unintended consequences of a well intentioned act.
But divorce can be an iatrogenic (therapist - induced) side effect of individual therapy for married folks.
Peer group dynamics associated with iatrogenic effects in group interventions with high - risk young adolescents
Simultaneously, the proponents of this purported prophylactic speciously explain away or argue for ignoring tangible evidence of actual current harms being inflicted on the child as well as developing iatrogenic effects, and in a defiance of logic reminiscent of theological arguments, insist that the burden falls on the other side to counter their unsupported beliefs.
Results signify the importance of further research to understand the potential benefits as well as iatrogenic effects of relationship education.
However recent studies regarding CISM seem to indicate iatrogenic effects (Carlier, Lamberts, van Uchelen & Gersons 1998)(Mayou, Ehlers & Hobbs 2000).
6) Iatrogenic hypertension secondary to COX - 2 inhibitor use for the treatment of the patient's back injuries.
There are three forms of Cushing's disease in dogs: pituitary - dependent, adrenal - based and Iatrogenic.
However, in many cats with mild iatrogenic hypothyroidism, very mild or no obvious clinical signs are seen.
Very little tissue may be removed without inducing iatrogenic ectropion or entropion in canine breeds that have a taut lid - to - globe conformation (Miniature poodle, Bichon Frise, other brachycephalics).
Iatrogenic Cushing's disease means that the excess of cortisol has resulted from excessive administration of a steroid medication.
Hypoproteinemia (osmotic effect), lymphatic blockage, changes in vascular permeability, heart failure, renal disease, iatrogenic overhydration, G. I. disease, neoplasia, drug effects, inhaled toxins, sepsis, inflammation.
There are three origins of Cushing's disease: pituitary - dependent, adrenal - dependent, and iatrogenic Cushing's.
Overt or subclinical iatrogenic hypothyroidism in cats: clinical, laboratory, and thyroid scintigraphic findings in 35 cases.
Investigating the Use of Gastroprotectants as a Means of Preventing Iatrogenic Gastrointestinal Signs Associated With Immunosuppressive Corticosteroid Therapy.
Instead they practice iatrogenic medicine, first by endorsing the continued feeding of potentially harmful diets, then by prescribing potentially harmful drugs and costly special prescription diets that are all too often useless and highly unpalatable
There are three forms of Cushing's disease; adrenal - based hyperadrenocorticism, pituitary - dependent hyperadrenocorticism, and iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism;
Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism is developed if a cat has been prescribed excessive amounts of steroid medication for a prolonged period of time
This type of Cushing's disease is iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome.
We also use it when we feel there is no chance of Iatrogenic Cushing's.
Using sterile or single - use items will deter iatrogenic infections.
I mentioned earlier that the corticosteroid medications, often given to pets for a variety of health problems, can cause high cholesterol levels (= iatrogenic Cushing's disease).
Iatrogenic administration of glucocorticoids and subsequent suppression of the immune system has great potential as an influencing factor in demodicosis.
Systemic corticosteroid overuse can lead to iatrogenic hyperglucocorticoidism and highly deleterious side effects such as «corticosteroid - induced - owner - loss - of - hope!
We discard the needles because they are dulled after the first insertion and also to eliminate the possibility of iatrogenic or acupuncturist - caused infection.
Taking high levels or long - term doses of Prednisone can also bring about Cushing» s like symptoms (called iatrogenic Cushing» s) as it is a corticosteroid and increase the cortisol levels in the blood.
Also iatrogenic murmurs can be produced in cats by applying too much pressure with the stethoscope against the highly compliant feline thoracic cage, resulting in compression of the right ventricle and leading to partial right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction.
Assuming that you rule out an iatrogenic murmur, it's definitely reasonable to consider the possibility of HCM, especially since older male domestic cats are over-represented.
This last condition is known as iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism and is generally temporary.
Examples of this iatrogenic phenomenon in education include certain aspects of policies and practices like achievement - level tracking, the assignment of homework, the standards movement, and compulsory education.
In medicine, «iatrogenic» is the word used when treatment worsens a condition.
I have a particular interest in iatrogenic (pharmaceutical drug induced) illness and am fully conversant with blood and pathology based medical testing.
Finally, because much exposure to mercury has been iatrogenic — via dental amalgams and vaccine preservatives — mercury research often is controversial.
Finally, much exposure is iatrogenic — caused by health care providers or institutions — making it an unpopular topic.
Available since FDA approval in 1942, Premarin has caused an estimated 15,000 cases of endometrial cancer, representing the largest epidemic of serious iatrogenic disease ever reported.
Please help share this video with everyone you know and, together, we can prevent more victims of iatrogenic (caused by medicine) dependence, withdrawal, and injury from prescribed benzodiazepines and Z - drugs.
Iatrogenic is derived from Greek meaning doctor - induced illness.
In fact, when practiced correctly, acupuncture and herbal medicine result in zero side effects and almost never produce iatrogenic (doctor - caused) disease.
With the iatrogenic diet being low - carb, there is a little amount of carbs that can be converted to glucose.
in a middle - term, exploit the experimental systems established, to identify the direct causative factors (genetic, environmental, iatrogenic) involved in the initiation of chromosomal alterations and disease progression, and to identify new therapeutic targets;
Overall 30 - day mortality was low at 0.9 %, in keeping with the results of meta - analyses.7 The leading causes of intraoperative morbidity were iatrogenic damage to an organ or structure and significant hemorrhage.
«Exploratory analyses of several secondary outcomes indicated that the sedation protocol was associated with a difference in patients» sedation experience; patients in the intervention group were able to be safely managed in a more awake and calm state while intubated, receiving fewer days of opioid exposure and fewer sedative classes without an increase in inadequate pain or sedation management or clinically significant iatrogenic [consequence of treatment] withdrawal compared with patients receiving usual care, but they experienced more days with reported pain and agitation, suggesting a complex relationship among wakefulness, pain, and agitation,» the authors write.
The method, called Bioprosthetic Aortic Scallop Intentional Laceration to prevent Iatrogenic Coronary Artery obstruction (BASILICA), will increase treatment options for high - risk patients who need heart valve procedures.
The concern over iatrogenic deaths (25 January, p 5), that is those caused by adverse drug reactions and hospital - acquired infections,...
Unfortunately, many of the patients Bolte sees are victims of iatrogenic, or doctor - caused, illness.
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