Sentences with phrase «ice age climate got»

To: Human Evolution E-Seminar From: William H. Calvin Location: 55.620 ° N 12.656 ° E 2m ASL The plane where it's always noon Subject: How ice age climate got the shakes
You may not have heard of them, however, even though they were frequently mentioned in the news columns of the major scientific journals such as Science and Nature, with catchy titles such as «How ice age climate got the shakes.»

Not exact matches

To get to the bottom of things, he mapped the ages and locations of 1,323 woolly mammoth remains and 576 archaeological sites, and he merged them with data from plant and pollen records, and climate change information from ice cores in Greenland.
Daniel Fisher (Forbes staff): «I am not sure the debate is over whether the climate is warming — obviously it has been getting warmer since the last Ice Age, which was a very short time ago.
It just makes sense that after an ice age the climate would get warmer.
It never got lower than a mild relatively short ice age and never higher than a tropical climate.
The Polar bears stubbornly refuse to go extinct, indeed the buggers are thriving, the glaciers don't appear to be disappearing, sea levels have stayed boringly level, we haven't been subsumed by hordes of desperate climate refugees, the polar ice caps haven't melted, the Great Barrier Reef is still with us, we haven't fought any resource wars, oil hasn't run out, the seas insist on not getting acidic, the rainforest is still around, islands have not sunk under the sea, the ozone holes haven't got bigger, the world hasn't entered a new ice age, acid rain appears to have fallen somewhere that can't quite be located, the Gulf Stream hasn't stopped, extreme weather events have been embarrassingly sparse in recent years and guess what?
So CO2 might be stored in the deep ocean during ice ages, and then get released when the climate warms.]»
«Well I'm sitting like a rose between two thorns here and I have to take practical decisions - erm - the climate's always been changing - er - Peter mentioned the Arctic and I think in the Holocene the Arctic melted completely and you can see there were beaches there - when Greenland was occupied, you know, people growing crops - we then had a little ice age, we had a middle age warming - the climate's been going up and down - but the real question which I think everyone's trying to address is - is this influenced by manmade activity in recent years and James is actually correct - the climate has not changed - the temperature has not changed in the last seventeen years and what I think we've got to be careful of is that there is almost certainly - bound to be - some influence by manmade activity but I think we've just got to be rational (audience laughter)- rational people - and make sure the measures that we take to counter it don't actually cause more damage - and I think we're about to get
That's climate sensitivity, more or less — we got a few ice age cycles that have had roughly the same climate sensitivity.
Thus, the Norse reached Greenland during a period good for growing hay and pasturing animals... Around 1300, though, the climate in the North Atlantic began to get cooler and more variable from year to year, ushering in a cold period termed the Little Ice Age that lasted into the 1800s.
What is provable, however, is the number of times humans have gotten climate science wrong — such as the global cooling scare of the 1970s, when major media outlets and environmental activists declared with certainty that the Earth was rapidly entering a devastating ice age.
Less than two weeks into 2012 and we've got some really interesting climate news we're watching, both in terms of the effects of climate change currently and far in the future (delaying the next Ice Age anyone?).
This is completely unrealistic, because we've got other ways to estimate climate sensitivity, notably the temperature and albedo, dust, greenhouse gas induced forcings of the last ice age, and those independently make it quite hard for sensitivity to be less than 1.5 C or more than 4.5 C.
I won't get into all that except to say that many other climate archaeologists did not and do not agree with his choice of proxies and still support the existence of a Little Ice Age and a Medieval Warm Period.
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