Sentences with phrase «ice area»

The red part of the graph shows a rapid recovery from the lower - than - average sea ice area in recent years.
The drastic melt of 2007 remains the record loss of ice area in the satellite era, although subsequent years have still been below the long - term average.
Ice the area for 10 to 15 minutes four or five times a day and take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling.
The events have changed nothing to the fact that this region will most likely be the last ice area.
The sea ice area shown in a couple of graphs here and here, suggest that area has increased in recent days.
Consider the parallel example of measurement of arctic ice area.
The model predicts below - normal ice area compared to the long - term mean and only a slight increase compared to 2009.
2012 was the lowest ice area since 1979, when satellite recording began.
Here's a link to a graph of global sea ice area over the past 30 years.
However in this case, they are thought to have stranded in shallow nitrogen ice areas.
Then, we predict the summer ice area depending on the assumption that thick ice remains later and thin ice melts sooner than the average.
The total ice area differs from extent in that it includes open water within a grid cell, melt ponds, etc..
In both regions ice area is predicted to be slightly higher than in 2011.
In examining ice area — the extent weighted by concentration — the seasonal minimum in 2008 was nearly identical to that of 2007.
That said, analyzing ice area is still quite valuable.
You have lots of physical impacts related to permafrost, albedo, ice area covered, etc and those changes project onto ecology, politics, socio - economics, etc..
The auto - correlation of the sea ice area anomaly time series is in the order of three months.
If urgent action is not taken to reduce global emissions than the Last Ice Area may indeed be a reality.
Gerland et al. — September ice area around Svalbard almost one standard deviation below normal (~ 177,436 km2)
Gerland, et al. — September ice area around Svalbard less than average and less than the previous 4 years (2007 - 2010)
I've followed the links to the data, and just had a look at the Southern Sea Ice areas as recorded there.
The Arctic Sea Ice Area from the Cryosphere Today has probably reached its low point for the year (average date is Sept 10th and it doesn't vary from this by more than just a few days).
As ice melts and ice area decreases, the albedo feedback will amplify global warming.
Chip, nobody's being «coy» — have you looked at the sea level rise numbers, or the Arctic ice area numbers, compared to the projections?
However, with multiyear ice area well below the historical average, ice conditions are expected to be light this year, similar to last year.
Meantime, per Cryosphere, the Global Sea Ice Area fell by over 1 million km in a matter of about 5 days.
Getting your reasons ready for when ice area does not fall below 4M sq km.
In contrast to the polar regions, the network of lower latitude small glaciers and ice caps, although making up only about four percent of the total land ice area or about 760,000 square kilometers, may have provided as much as 60 percent of the total glacier contribution to sea level change since 1990s (Meier et al. 2007).
In early 2017, the Arctic, Antarctic and Global Sea Ice Area Extent were each at the lowest level in the data set.
Maslanik, Rigor et al., Pokrovsky (June report), Tivy (June report)-- below normal ice area overall, but high concentration may remain along the coast
Despite temperatures at the beginning of 2017 not being record - breaking the sea ice area remained much lower than average during the first three months of the year, with January showing the lowest negative anomaly on record - 600,000 square kilometres below the 1981 - 2010 average for January.
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