Sentences with phrase «ice bubbles»

The CO2 is determined from analysis of ice bubbles.
Climate researchers use these proxies, chemical signals locked in minerals and ice bubbles as well as pollen and other biological indicators, as indirect measures of temperature and precipitation patterns in the distant past.
If the spirits didn't get you, the dry ice bubbling away in your glass would... public liability must have been way less intense back then... Occasionally we'd head to Sydney for the weekend to dance at The Exchange on Oxford Street.
Dry Ice Bubbles from Not Just Cute — This amazing experiment lets children explore dry ice to make bubbles.
Champagne bubbles are dissolved carbon dioxide, while ice bubbles are dissolved hydrogen.
1) Ice bubble CO2 must necessarily show some lage behind the temperature from hydrogen / deuterium in the ice itself.
Zapping simulated space ice with imitation starlight makes the ice bubble like champagne.
To their surprise, the ice bubbled like boiling water at temperatures between -210 C / -346 F and -120 C / -184 F. Analysis of the gas showed it to be hydrogen molecules, which the researchers believe were formed from methanol and ammonia broken up by UV irradiation.
This means glacier meltwater has a higher concentration of CO2 and as it trickles down through the ice layers modifies the ice bubbles as Jaworowski explained in his presentation to the US Senate Committee (March 2004).
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