Sentences with phrase «ice models»

concluded from magnetic satellite measurements that the heat fluxes below the ice are anything but uniformal and (should) have a major effect on ice modelling in the future.
«But to accurately model how quickly the ice is going to flow or the rock to rebound, we need to understand the «boundary conditions» for ice models, such as heat flow from the mantle,» he said.
PI, Ice Concentration and Ice Age Products for ArcticCAP: This work has two overarching deliverables: an improved daily ice concentration product and a proxy ice thickness product, both for use in sea ice modeling at the Navel Research Laboratory.
NRL - atm - ocn - ice, 4.8 (4.4 - 5.3), Modeling (fully coupled)(Same as June) The projected Arctic minimum sea ice extent from the Navy's global coupled atmosphere - ocean - ice modeling system based on May 2016 initial ice conditions is 4.8 km2.
Two groups: Washington and Meehl (1989) and Stouffer, Manabe and Bryan (1989); the latter included the sea - ice model by Bryan (1969).
We will also be performing a simple studies of the energetics of internal waves that combine existing ideas about the forcing of internal waves with new ice model results [Heil and Hibler, 2002; Hibler et al., 2006].
We use the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Earth System Model version 1.3 (CESM) that couples the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 (CAM5)[28] to the Community Land Model (CLM4.5; [29]-RRB-, the CICE4 sea ice model [30], and implements a slab ocean with prescribed heat transport derived from a fully - coupled ocean - atmosphere simulation [28].
OMIP addresses these aims in two complementary manners: (A) by providing an experimental protocol for global ocean / sea - ice models run with a prescribed atmospheric forcing, (B) by providing a protocol for ocean diagnostics to be saved as part of CMIP6.
It's now clear that Mitch Taylor was right to be skeptical of sea ice models based on pessimistic climate change assumptions; he was also right to be more optimistic than his PBSG colleagues about the ability of polar bears to adapt to changing sea ice conditions (Taylor and Dowsley 2008), since the bears have turned out to be more resilient than even he expected.
The algorithm helps to specify ice models and is also intended to be a part of operative ice monitoring.
Instructions, using the imperative, for Word Order Biscuits, Cornflake Buns, Making a Lebkuchenschule (Gingerbread School) and Fondant Icing Models (Zuckergussformen).
I have observed greater variations in Arctic Inversions lately, the tendency is towards less steep inversions, this is expected when the Arctic lower atmosphere warms during winter, if the models maintain a stronger inversion while its observed weakening this may explain why sea ice models fail, strong boundary layers appear to be collapsing.
To carry out these goals, researchers will use a global coupled ocean and sea ice model whose grid emphasizes the Arctic Ocean.
I'm not sure that Antarctic ice models are good enough for that yet.
Since November 2014 the ensemble forecasts have been run with 0.25 degree horizontal resolution with the sea ice model active.
The CMIP6 Sea - Ice Model Intercomparison Project (SIMIP): understanding sea ice through climate - model simulations.
but if you look at the predictive ice modeling papers they use, it is clear they really mean summer sea ice:
At the same time, the range of ensemble simulations from sea ice models mentioned above shows how capricious weather patterns — such as the one observed in 2007 — can help drive anomalous ice distribution patterns in any one year.
We would like to participate in the 2008 September arctic sea ice outlooks by conducting ensemble predictions [with a sea ice model].
This is not another «worse than we thought» moment (Amstrup et al. 2007)-- this is sea ice models so wrong as to be useless: failed models used to inform future polar bear survival models that got the bears declared «threatened» with extinction in the US in 2008 (Crockford 2017).
The neXtSIM model is currently being developed at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, and is unique among sea ice models owing to its rheological framework that is based on solid mechanics and allowing to reproduce the multifractal scaling invariance of sea ice deformation with an unprecedented realism.
He is interested in developing next - generation sea ice models which capture anisotropic nature of ice dynamics / mechanics and explicitly simulate both ice thickness distribution and floe size distribution jointly.
For testing purposes - ie when the sea - ice modelling scientists are testing changes to their parametrisations - then you can't do runs like that.
Pemberton et al.; 4.6 million square kilometers; Model We take an ensemble approach with a regional coupled ocean / sea ice model using ECMWF ERA - Interim realizations.

Phrases with «ice models»

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