Sentences with phrase «ice moves»

It is the sound of ice moving in response to the motion of the water beneath.
The remarkable expansion of open water there last summer was as much a result of old thick ice moving as it was of melting, as I wrote last fall.
This is important because, as more ice moves from glaciers on land into the ocean, sea levels rise.
This is a question that a number of scientists are now trying to answer by studying how ice moves.
As the sea - ice moves away from the land, it exposes open water, which then freezes, allowing the sea - ice to grow.
It looked like at one point there were chunks of ice moving with the water flow — is that typical?
Most sea - level rise comes from water and ice moving from land into the ocean, but the melting of floating ice causes a small amount of sea - level rise, too.
That huge chunk of ice moved into the ocean and eventually melted in the Atlantic (see Related Posts below for more on that event).
only new and young ice moves southward, because an ice barrier forms in the north that blocks all entry of Arctic ice into Nares Strait; and 3.
Although sea ice moves around the Arctic basin, it tends to stay in the cold Arctic waters.
Global warming induced by increasing CO2 will cause ice to melt and hence sea level to rise as the global volume of ice moves toward the quasi-equilibrium amount that exists for a given global temperature [53].
The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) program was the first major Western sea ice experiment constructed specifically to answer emerging questions about how sea ice moves and changes in response to the influence of ocean and atmosphere.
According to study researcher Jürgen Determann, who like Hellmer is from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, if the inland ice moves in lockstep with the ice sheet melting, it will mean an additional global sea level rise of 0.17 inches (4.4 millimeters) per year.
The team's computer simulation of the glacierlike flow within each mass suggests that the surface ice moves horizontally at no more than a few centimeters each year, which nevertheless is quick enough to totally resurface each polygonal cell every 500,000 years or so.
Within that atmosphere, ice moves back and forth across hemispheres through the interminable seasons.
You will also find that any Pokémon with ice moves are also incredibly useful.
Richard B. Alley, an expert on Greenland's ice sheet at Penn State, told me it's still possible that flows of meltwater from surface lakes could start large areas of ice moving seaward, particularly if the melt zones continue to expand inland as they have been doing for years now.
Arctic ice moves freely through Nares Strait, because no ice barriers are present.
«The map points out something fundamentally new: ice moves by slipping along the ground it rests on,» said Thomas Wagner, NASA's cryospheric program scientist.
Even in 2007, some Arctic climate and ice specialists were warning that the ice retreat was «as much a result of ice moving as melting,» adding that the unpredicted changes could just as easily betray weaknesses in climate models as hints of some accelerating meltdown.
That temperature difference could make the deepest layers of ice move around slowly, a bit like glaciers here on Earth.
Global warming induced by increasing CO2 will cause ice to melt and hence sea level to rise as the global volume of ice moves toward the quasi-equilibrium amount that exists for a given global temperature [53].
Ice moving from land to sea does raise sea level, just as dumping more ice into your drink raises the level of liquid.
``... The striking Arctic change was as much a result of ice moving as melting, many say.
When you go out with your aunts and uncles to hunt or to gather, you learn to smell the air, watch the wind, understand the way the ice moves, know the land.
And, worryingly, the research suggests that as these glaciers melt and retreat backward, the shape of the seabed will continue to expose many of them to warm ocean water for hundreds of miles as the ice moves inland.
The project, called the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment, was the first major study of how sea - ice moves and changes due to ocean and atmosphere influences.
Keep the ice moving as applying directly to the skin can cause ice burns.
In Stibbon's words; «Watching the full cycle of ice moving and calving into bergs from the ship was impressive.
It is shown in the paper and a few other studies that during strong melt events in summer the ice moves faster.
Ice moves from high and cold regions towards low and warm regions.
Buoys show this ice moving into the East Siberian Sea, lending some support to the notion of thicker, more enduring ice in this region.
From satellite data that we analyzed as part of this grant, we know when the ice moves and when it stops moving.
Hereabouts, the ice moves southward at about 15 km every day, carried by the far less salty Greenland Current.
As long as the ice remains on land, sea level remains constant, but when the ice moves into the ocean it causes an increase — like putting ice cubes into an already full glass.
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