Sentences with phrase «ice nucleation cool»

Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical / biological ice nucleation cool - downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out.
The top 3 superpowers (USA, China, and Russia) have the largest militaries, and thus the greatest ability to effect the climate with their ongoing chemical ice nucleation cool - down operations.

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Further, there can be no legitimate discussion about climate engineering without addressing the completely engineered cool - downs via atmospheric manipulation and patented chemical ice nucleation processes.
Power structure funded disinformation individuals and sources, of course, never mention chemical ice nucleation (and its use by the geoengineers) while putting out completely false information about «global cooling» or «global warming is a hoax».
The «Temperature Departure From Average» map below further reveals the areas of concentration for climate engineering orchestrated chemical cool - downs and sea surface chemical ice nucleation (also fueling extreme hail events).
Massive climate engineering / chemical ice nucleation deployments can and will continue to create toxic cool - downs and radical weather anomolies.
As this flow of moisture migrates to the North East, temperatures of over 60 degrees are visible only a short distance from the chemically cooled ice nucleation zones.
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