Sentences with phrase «ice nucleation processes»

Hello Kimberly, about the now frequent «ice storms» that are wreaking havoc, they are absolutely a result of climate engineering and specifically chemical ice nucleation processes.
Further, there can be no legitimate discussion about climate engineering without addressing the completely engineered cool - downs via atmospheric manipulation and patented chemical ice nucleation processes.
This study advances understanding of the ice nucleation processes, especially under the presence of pollution emissions, which ultimately will contribute to knowledge about global changes in precipitation.
It does not sluff off the trees but only sticks and builds (frequent ice storms have also increased radically due to the chemical ice nucleation process.
The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers.
The effect of this chemical ice nucleation process can be clearly seen as cells of precipitation suddenty «flash out» to frozen in spite of the far above freezing temperature moisture.

Not exact matches

Scientists are working to understand their underlying processes, such as which particle surface properties encourage or discourage ice formation, called nucleation, so they can accurately simulate how, where, and when clouds are formed.
What this argument fails to consider is that the greater SST also produces a more vigorous updraft, so that the rising moist air has less time in which the collision / coalescence process can work before the air reaches the upper cloud layers where spontaneous ice nucleation takes place (at somewhere around -40 C, reached near the top of the troposphere).
The next 8 links below provide further documentation and examples of the climate engineering chemical ice nucleation assault (and the processes involved).
Massive climate engineering operations utilizing patented processes of chemical ice nucleation are at the core of this phenomenon.
Most have never heard of «chemical ice nucleation for weather modification», but patents exist for this process and the Chinese government has long since admitted to engineering frozen precipitation events.
Chemical ice nucleation (for weather modification) is a patented process, the link below is important to review in order to gain a better understanding of this process.
Patented processes of «chemical ice nucleation for weather modification» (a primary aspect of climate engineering operations) will likely cause considerable surface icing scenarios as these materials reach ground level.
In the absence of any ice nuclei, the freezing of supercooled water droplets of a few micrometres in radius, in a process called homogeneous ice nucleation, requires temperatures at or lower than − 39 °C (− 38 °F).
The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation / geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and / or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element).
Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical / biological ice nucleation cool - downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out.
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