Sentences with phrase «ice nucleation with»

Magnetic control of heterogeneous ice nucleation with nanophase magnetite: Biophysical and agricultural implications

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In contrast, if freezing is slow, the crystal growth will be slower with few nucleation sites resulting in larger ice crystals.
The expansion chamber will be used to create a supercooled cloud by expansion and growth of drops at temperatures below 260 K.... In addition to experiments with supercooled liquid droplets already present (freezing nucleation), we will also investigate ice nucleation without pre-existing droplets (deposition nucleation).
On a sunny day there may be cold temps that only last a few days and extended only when there is a constant chem spraying (ice nucleation) that most people are too dumbed down to think from cause to effect and then rely on the «weather reporter» to come up with some ludicrous explanation that makes them the «experts».
Hello Andrew, just a note regarding the chemical ice nucleation on the Arctic sea surface, at this point the geoengineers are actually sealing in the ocean heat with this tactic, making the overall situation even worse.
The top 3 superpowers (USA, China, and Russia) have the largest militaries, and thus the greatest ability to effect the climate with their ongoing chemical ice nucleation cool - down operations.
Even with the unimaginably extensive sea surface chemical ice nucleation onslaught by the geoengineers, the Arctic sea ice volumes have continued to plummet as shown in the graph above.
Typical temperature - supersaturation regions can be identified for the «onset» of ice nucleation of these different particle types, but the various particle sizes and activated fractions reported in different studies have to be taken into account when comparing results obtained with different methodologies.
The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation / geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and / or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element).
With most temperatures on the ground still at well above freezing This is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements that are being utilized on an unimaginable scale as the climate engineers try desperately to turn warmth into winter.
The expansion chamber will be used to create a supercooled cloud by expansion and growth of drops at temperatures below 260 K.... In addition to experiments with supercooled liquid droplets already present (freezing nucleation), we will also investigate ice nucleation without pre-existing droplets (deposition nucleation).
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