Sentences with phrase «icy planets like»

Dr Andreas Hermann, of the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, said: «This study helps us better predict what is inside icy planets like Neptune.
This kind of water doesn't exist naturally on Earth, the scientists report in Nature Physics, but it may be present in the mantles of icy planets like Neptune and Uranus.

Not exact matches

Pluto, demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006, likely has a hard, icy surface — not great for powder skiing like this poster shows.
It's currently impossible to probe beneath the icy crust of a planet like Pluto, but if Ceres does have an exposed frozen (once subsurface) ocean, that gives planetary scientists a useful proxy.
Dwarf planets like Pluto and smaller icy bodies populate the Kuiper Belt beyond the orbit of Neptune.
But if a planet like Jupiter were to move too close to the sun, the heat would remove the icy material in its clouds.
Planets shrouded in clouds full of icy particles, like Venus and Jupiter, for instance, are very reflective.
«Combined with the orbit size and the brightness of TW Hydrae, the planet would be an icy giant planet like Neptune,» said Tsukagoshi.
This happens at pressures around 600,000 times Earth's atmosphere (60 gigapascals), which would be comparable to the pressure conditions found in the interior of an icy - cored planet, like Neptune or Uranus.
Astronomers will continue monitoring Fomalhaut b for decades to come because they may have a chance to observe a planet entering an icy debris belt that is like the Kuiper Belt at the fringe of our own solar system.
It's something «in between rocky planets like Mars and Earth and the icy outer planets
Methane forms hydrocarbon (hydrogen and carbon) chains that respond to high pressure and temperature to form «diamond rain» in the interiors of icy giant planets like Neptune.
While NASA's Wide - field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) failed to the tell - tale warmth of gas giants like Saturn within 10,000 AUs and larger than Jupiter objects out to 26,000 AUs (NASA / JPL news release), an icy «super-Earth», would have been too cold and faint for WISE to detect — even if the hypothesized planet has a small internal heat source and absorbs some sunlight.
The discovery team presumes that VP113 has an icy reflective surface like other relatively small, outer Solar System objects, as the dwarf planet is observed to have a pink tinge, which is hypothesized to result from chemical changes produced by the effect of radiation on frozen water, methane, and carbon dioxide.
In addition to rocky asteroids and icier bodies further out from the Sun, many agglomerated into larger planetesimals that eventually collided to form planets like the Earth, and more than 250 minerals, including olivine and zircon, developed within the planetesimals with the help of melting, collisional shocks, and reactions with water.
Using the figurines and builds included in the kit, photographer Markus Land constructed a series of photos showcasing the characters as they engage in activities like ice hockey or just surveying the icy planet.
«By studying Saturn's moon Titan, which although being an icy moon can be considered something like the Solar System's rocky planets, we have discovered rainstorms produced by methane rather than water, and we have found that Titan's meteorology has things in common with Earth's tropics,» said Del Genio.
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