Sentences with phrase «icy seas»

Lots of swimming in icy seas may have helped bears evolve to eat a high - fat diet yet remain healthy.
Is it coincidence that it shows the harnessing of whale oil and the terror of icy seas — in that lifelong dialogue of fire and ice?
► «The low rumbling of the engine of the RV Sikuliaq was music to ocean scientists» ears last week during a 23 - day cruise to test how the newest addition to the U.S. oceanographic fleet handled icy seas,» Eli Kintisch reported at ScienceInsider today.
Icy sea swimming, and glorious over the top outfits are all part of that.
Take up the mantle of an Assassin - turned - Templar and sail your ship, The Morrigan, through icy seas to exact vengeance.
Many mammals that swim in icy seas rely on blubber, like walruses, wales, and porpoises.
His team also uncovered unexpected measurements from World War II at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego and rare numbers from the icy seas around Russia and Norway in an obsure book tucked away in the New York Public Library.
But what was the Arctic like before — when maritime explorers and whale hunters first ventured into its icy seas?
ICY seas that get no sunshine for months on end have, paradoxically, yielded a possible treatment for skin cancer.
You'll traverse deserts, underwater areas, icy seas, and even fight up in the clouds.
The Labrador is famous for its love of water, which is no wonder as it was a helper for fishermen, fetching nets and rope or retrieving fish escaped from the nets from the icy sea.
Specially - designed ships cruise through the iced - over waters, churning through the slabs of salt water with an almighty roar, before pausing in the heart of the icy sea for a pit stop and a photo opportunity.
I will get closer to the cold and icy seas that are my passion.
Shay will still dive into the icy seas of the North Atlantic instead of leaping onto a town's pier.
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