Sentences with phrase «idea about your accomplishments»

It gives employers a quick glance at your work history and provides them with a good idea about your accomplishments.
It may be tempting to look at your resume to get ideas about the accomplishments, abilities, and experiences to include in your letter, but you should try to include new information instead of reiterating what has already been said.

Not exact matches

In another letter, when asked about his thoughts about building a monument to Gen. Thomas «Stonewall» Jackson, he said again it just wasn't a good idea: «As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that, however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt, in the present condition of the country, would have the effect of retarding instead of accelerating its accomplishment, and of continuing if not adding to the difficulties under which the Southern people labor.»
The idea is simply to have a chance to feel good about the accomplishments of members of your group in the face of constant put - downs from the surrounding world.
«Taxpayers don't care about who gets credit for ideas or accomplishments, we care about tangible results,» the statement read.
You must be able to communicate vigorously about your accomplishments, goals, and ideas to your organization, colleagues, and network.
I LOVE the idea about inspiring audiobooks, Brigitte — Thank you for the lovely comment and congrats to you on your accomplishments!
On the other hand, when you're talking about lasting accomplishment — the type you'll be remembered for — it's hard to avoid the reality that great ideas require a great investment of time to uncover.
Anyone who thinks marriage isn't about two people doing everything he or she can to support the other — or worse, claims that either partner's achievements are cheapened or their accomplishments invalidated because his or her partner supported him or her in reaching their goal — has absolutely no idea how a marriage works.
By making this book a work of fiction, the author was able to give readers an idea of how Anne felt about her marriage and accomplishments.
You think about it, you try some ideas, and when you're finally able to solve a puzzle, that joy and sense of accomplishment is something that I think speaks really truly to the Zelda franchise.
It summarized his ideas about how to represent such a pivotal hotbed of curiosity and accomplishment.
By presenting your accomplishments with quantifiable numbers, it helps recruiters, HR departments, and hiring managers get a better idea about what you bring to the table.
Oh Yes You Do!Anyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about including accomplishments on resumes, so I wanted to give you a few more ideas for uncovering the results of your work.
Think about the accomplishment in light of what would be important in a school setting (e.g., achieving buy - in for your ideas, getting people on the same page, setting and achieving goals, monitoring project milestones, rallying for community support, etc.).
His resume left me with no clear idea about his work and accomplishments.
The way you coin words together and phrase ideas could reveal a lot about your personality, what you value, and the skills and accomplishments you're most proud of.
As you prepare to apply for a job in public relations, it is a good idea to think about how to present the duties and accomplishments of your past positions in a way that clearly evidences your qualifications.
Brainstorm your ideas — that is, collect raw data about your accomplishments.
Some prospects simply had no idea how to market themselves or to create accomplishment - based statements about what they'd done at their jobs.
It is a good idea to include quantifiable accomplishments about your role as long as you're not breaking any non-disclosure agreements.
Borrow ideas from our professional sales agent cover letter sample to generate more interest about your qualifications and accomplishments.
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