Sentences with phrase «idea as»

Loved the idea as caramelized roasted sweet potatoes are so flavorful.
I love the green sauce idea as an alternative to regular tomato sauce — I think it tastes better too!
When I first read the recipe I didn't realize the zucchini was grated and was perplexed how it work work - but shredding the zucchini is a great idea as you are in essence eating it raw.
It soon became clear to me that I would have to make do with the situation and come up with some kind of idea as to how to make tomatoes shine under less than ideal life circumstances.
You've given me an idea as one of the things, thank you!
I wasn't sure if this was necessary, but felt it was a good idea as I was baking the pudding in single serving sizes.
My idea of the perfect breakfast sandwich (using turkey or beef) and love the weave idea as it looks more stable.
I'll have to try Nicole's idea as it does look tantilizing indeed.
We use the roasted peppers on salads usually, but I like this idea as well.
I even debated about licking my plate clean, however I finally opted out of that idea as it's not proper etiquette in front of the kiddos.
We Chose to completely cover the top with pine nuts too which was a great idea as they roasted and broke up the texture of the dish.
Then again this spring I revisited this idea as I desperately longed for a solution for my cycles.
Can you give me an idea as to how / where to store and it's longevity?
Um honestly I have no idea as I've never tried it, I would guess it depends how small they are chopped?
We didn't have any sweet potatoes left so I used home made pumpkin puree instead, which was a pretty smart idea as I'd say so myself, because they came out great!
Do you have an idea as to why?
Professor Cadbury rejected the idea as an intrusion upon a professor's privacy and improper because if the spirit moved him he would do what it prompted.
We say, «at least equal rights», for, inasmuch as the domestic household is antecedent, as well in idea as in fact, to the gathering of men into a community, the family must necessarily have rights and duties which are prior to those of the community, and founded more immediately in nature.
But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, «whether I do good or whether I do evil is immaterial, for innocence itself is no protection,» and if such an idea as that were to take hold in the mind of the citizen that would be the end of security whatsoever.»
I don't see any room for your creator; perhaps you could give me some idea as to his / her role?
Leibniz hinted at the idea as did others.
Before rejecting this idea as simply another example of «blaming the victim,» think a moment about what it may mean concretely.
However, I am not sure I have any idea as to why.
«You know, it might not be such a good idea as you think to elect Mitt Romney's invisible friend president.»
You have no idea as to how God tracks Time!
In The World and the Individual, Royce sharpened his description of an idea as «any state of consciousness... which, when present, is... viewed as at least the partial expression or embodiment of a single conscious purpose.»
The center of the New Testament's interest is not so much an idea as a deed.
But once the connection with the unique, yet ever - present act of God in Christ is disregarded, the whole notion is in danger of being reduced to the deliverance offered by the power of the Confessional, an idea as familiar to antiquity as it is to the modern world, even in a secularized form.
If we recognize that it is through the imagination that a person presents alternatives to his present state of being (UMI 216), we may gain some idea as to how a neuroticized image of God can function as an inhibiting element.
If you are worried about people who don't tell the truth, I have no idea as to why you think your anonimous post is going to convince people of what you say when you won't be required to back up anything you write, either.
The problem with religion is similar to the problem with fiction: thousands of novels are published in English each year, and without literary critics and judging panels for awards like the Booker Prize, we'd be floundering around without any idea as to what might be worth reading and what probably isn't.
Why should this one unbelievable thought be something that I stop using my rational thought process and accept an idea as out there as believing my neighbor can shoot boltz of lighting out of his eyes if I play my music to loud.
God seems to have no idea as to how many righteous people are living in Sodom, again, not the sign of an all - knowing God.
Regarding 2 Tim 2:4, I would apply the same idea as what Paul said in Colossians and Ephesians.
A similar judgment is tendered by William Seager, who points out that if the psychological is supervenient upon the physical, it is so in a way that is crucially different from the way in which liquidity is supervenient upon certain molecular states, because we have no idea as to why the joint activity of insentient neurons should give rise to consciousness (MC 179).
Its the same idea as asking a friend to pray for you about someting.
Many environmentalists also support the idea as a way of putting lipstick on policies that could slow down economic growth.
To see this idea as removal from the vine contradicts the actual practice of vinedressers.
We have given the reader a general idea as to how Christian transcendence could be situated in time; we have also given an introduction to the process mode of thinking to be used in our reflections.
Moving into a fully process - theoretic context, we use one of the Categoreal Obligations to deduce the very idea of mass and then speculate on why the body has mass, but the soul does not, without a simple, pluralistic dismissal of the idea as a mere category error.
A radical shift has obviously taken place in your beliefs since you left GES for you to now be promoting such an unbiblical idea as this.
His idea of a «new synthesis», proposed mainly in his book Catholicism: A New Synthesis and developed in his many theological and philosophical essays, was an attempt to grapple precisely with the issues we have spoken of: the post-Cartesian «turn to the subject» (that is: the loss of faith in the objectivity of knowledge and the subsequent exclusive concern of philosophy with the self and the subjective idea as the norm of «truth») and the philosophy of evolution with its implications for a dynamic rather than a static universe.
Protestant liberalism formally acknowledged the concept of individual sin but widely ignored the idea as a potentially meaningful element in normal life.
I do like also that you at least accepted the fact that these empires had the same idea as the ones you gave which means check and mate my friend and finally getting you to admit that tyrants trying to abolish the religion of the indigenous are not just atheists.
======= @Chuckles «I do like also that you at least accepted the fact that these empires had the same idea as the ones you gave which means check and mate my friend and finally getting you to admit that tyrants trying to abolish the religion of the indigenous are not just atheists.
When he broached his plan to his closest followers, Peter's immediate reaction, as we saw, was to repudiate the whole idea as an unfortunate aberration.
However, to ardently accept one idea often precludes another idea as truth.
Before telling me, like most christians do, that I don't know what I speak of, do note that as a Recovering christian I have a very good idea as to what I speak of and any rational minded person see's the belief for the true horror it is.
Although we can not be as certain of this idea as we can of a hard - core commonsense notion, we can, I believe, be much more certain of it than, say, of the neo-Darwinian theory of how evolution occurred.
He may believe in God, believe that God is both good and powerful, and believe that God has a reason for permitting evil — a reason for each specific evil; but he may have nothing but the most general idea as to why God permits these evils.
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