Sentences with phrase «idea of ambiguity»

The body of work Marshall is developing for the book and exhibition centers on the idea of ambiguity surrounding the representation of African Americans in our culture.
The last half of the discussion latched on to this idea of ambiguity.

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Efti goes on to offer founders a list of suggestions to ensure that the people they hire can deal with the ambiguity and messiness of start - up life, including stressing this fact in interviews, encouraging employees to take ownership of their ideas, breaking down barriers between teams, and giving new hires some skin in the game in the form of equity.
As the idea of buyer personas grows, I'm seeing with increased frequency a blur between the two, resulting in greater ambiguity and wasted growth resources.
As Pauline Boss and Pema Chodron have both observed in different contexts, the only way to find peace in the face of ambiguity is the willingness to hold two diametrically opposed ideas in your mind at the same time:
The concept of ambiguity is useful to express the idea that the orders of creation are good as created by God, and yet permeated by the law of sin and death.
Eventually (there is disagreement over when), Whitehead developed the idea of God as an actual entity who, though probably not free of tragedy and ambiguity, actively promotes goodness.
Despite the ambiguities of the moment, the Western attitude toward waiting is too extreme when it rejects the idea of a future that transcends finite boundaries.
But the ground of the ambiguity does not consist in the idea that Whitehead's theological doctrines are false; rather the whole position is not fully developed in terms of coherently interrelated religious categories.
With specific reference to the ideas and ideals of the American experiment, that history continues to represent, in the words of a president who was not unacquainted with moral ambiguity, «the last, best hope of earth.»
In our new aims of education for the 1980's and beyond, therefore, we shall have to dedicate ourselves to bringing back, among other things, the civilized use of language (both written and oral), a sensitivity to beauty, powers of analytical reasoning, the intellectual vision of ourselves as historical creatures, the ability to cognitively articulate ideas rather than let communication skills courses degenerate into merely «touchie - feelie» experiences of «affirming the other,» and finally, a sensitivity to the nuances, complexities, and ambiguities of meanings.7 In this way, and only in this way, our educational system will equip its students for the future with an intellectual vision comprised of both knowledge and foresightful adaptability to environmental changes.
Basically the same view underlies the ethos of many Episcopal theological schools, although with a good bit of ambiguity generated, perhaps, by the way differences in church polity and theology of ordination alter the clarity of the idea of being «in orders.»
If there's any ambiguity, though, you should have a good idea of which direction the Tigers will head.
In an article published in the journal Science, authors Dr. Sandra Brown, of Winrock International, and Dr. Daniel Zarin, of the Climate and Land Use Alliance, posit that, while the idea seems simple and compelling, ambiguity surrounding global definitions and metrics actually creates risks for forest conservation and accountability.
«Alias Grace» is built around the unrelenting ambiguity of its protagonist, and it manages the Herculean effort of making a six - part miniseries thrum with that same sense of being adrift in a woman's story without having any idea of who she really is.
Among his 12 teaching strategies: encourage questioning of assumptions, encourage sensible risk - taking, allow time to think creatively, allow mistakes, encourage tolerance of ambiguity, design creative assignments and assessments, reward creative ideas and products, point out that creative thinkers invariably face obstacles and that they need nurturing environments, and — most important — serve as a creative role model.
One idea is to take note of the grade level of the student when writing about the topics to avoid the ambiguity of information.
Konrad would relish the ambiguity of Trieste, a frontier town that tried to forget the communist world at its back; and he'd shake with laughter at the idea of his brother's tryst with a dead woman.
If you've read the book you have an idea of what's going on, but Conarium starts with enough ambiguity to give you a mounting sense of unease.
In both mods, I attempted to construct a vivid and detailed world in which to exist, and played with ideas of character and event ambiguity — in much the same way as University of Portsmouth researcher Dan Pinchbeck did with his revered creation Dear Esther.
The artist may be heavily invested in ideas of ambivalence, ambiguity and the theatrics of performing authenticity, but let it be known that there is no ambiguity in the critical conditions residents here are facing today.
In doing this Paolini challenges the viewers preconceived ideas of what an art work should be, subverting expectations and leaving the viewer with a sense of ambiguity.
There are many examples of this ambiguity which General Idea and AA Bronson have slipped into, not only to blur boundaries between reality and fiction but also to defy the conventions of the gaze and the very nature of what is perceptible, or rather acceptable to the eye.
The duo challenge popular conceptions surrounding discourses of «health» and explore the ambiguities involved in notions of sustainability as well as ideas of cleansing.
«As the 21st century gropes and grapples its way through its second decade, America seems to have entered what may be called: The Age of Ambiguity, a time when everything is fluid and nothing concrete, and confusion overwhelmes certainty,» Colacello describes the thoughts that led to the idea and content of the exhibition.
Coupled with white shapes that could seem either solid or transparent, laying flat on the surface or implying a geometric solid, Held used these ambiguities to reintroduce the idea of imaginary space back into painting.
It looks conceptual, even though the idea is more embedded as a form of spatial ambiguity than in what it is as a concept from, shall we say, Mesopotamia or ancient Hittite culture.
Etchells» neon pieces draw on his broader fascinations as an artist, writer and performance maker, often teasing out contradictory aspects of language — the speed, clarity and vividness with which it communicates narrative, image and ideas, and at the same time its amazing propensity to create a rich field of uncertainty and ambiguity.
I never cease to be amazed at the breadth and depth of subject matter, extent of investigations, and literate and clear way ideas are expressed here, including conflicts and ambiguities.
However, the illogic is obscured by the ambiguity of reference by the language of climatology to the associated ideas.
The possibility for a science to be «bad» is a consequence of the ambiguity of reference of the word «science» to the associated ideas.
In the case of rationing energy, the criterion should be accuracy and avoidance of ambiguity, not appeasement; real or imaginary evidence of spin is not a good idea.
However we have a certain ambiguity in our beliefs, for even though we dislike the idea of an «upper class,» we do like a person who is «classy,» or «a class act,» or a fellow who «displays class.»
(1) One of the principles of contract law is that ambiguity in a contract is resolved against the drafter (the idea is that if you intended it to mean something else, you could have put that in, instead).
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