Sentences with phrase «idea of an alien»

You can play and make rockets and talk about the idea of aliens!
NASA takes the idea of alien pathogens seriously enough that it has an elaborate quarantine protocol for any space sample returned here.
Stargate, which was produced by Devlin and directed by Roland Emmerich, was based on the idea of an alien Einstein — Rosen bridge device that enables nearly instantaneous travel across the cosmos.
I love the idea of aliens not understanding what video games are and misinterpreting it.
That kicked the warped authorly part of my brain into gear, and I came up with the idea of aliens who ride lightning and use the bodies of humans who're killed in a lightning strike.
He was beguiled by the idea of alien races of hyper - rational beings who had taught themselves to disregard all emotion, Compulsively rational, he wished to turn life's decisions — whether to take the first elevator or wait for the next one, where to bank his money, what job to accept, whether to marry — into calculations of advantage and disadvantage, algorithms or mathematical rules divorced from emotion, convention, and tradition.
And the idea of alien ghosts is a good one too, although perhaps a mine shaft might not be the best place to feature them.

Not exact matches

Letting two domains of knowledge that are usually alien to each other mix and mingle is a sure fire way to get your brain humming, so the idea of applying the thinking of anthropology to the world of start - ups isn't as strange as it appears at first blush.
This idea of continuous feedback is alien to sales teams that can barely stay synchronized a few times a month but adopting it solves the communication breakdown that leads to an inefficient weekly sales meeting.
Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars are spent every year on accidental life insurance, freak storm insurance, and even alien abduction insurance??
Confronting the ideas of H.G. Wells, he suggests that the aliens we find on other planets may not be the destructive, inhuman powers of The War of the Worlds.
Then too, the very idea of theology, many Jews contend, is a Christian concept and alien to Judaism, which is grounded in commandments (mitzvot) and peoplehood.
«The opponents of enforcing immigration law and supporters of amnesty for illegal immigrants are using this as an emotional issue, raising this phony idea that a nun ladling out soup to an illegal alien is going to be wrestled to the ground by a SWAT team,» he said.
It has been common in recent years for scripture scholars to tell us that the idea of the separation of body and soul after death — indeed that any systematic distinction between body and soul — was alien to the Hebrew vision of the Old Testament.
Some evangelical prayer meetings look «quite a lot like the Pietist conventicals»; the literature on the two «resemble» and «echo» each other; one «comes to mind» when one deals with the other; the ideas of one «would not be alien» to the other; and both «insisted on» similar themes about the warmed heart and signs of regeneration.
To be sure, from the days of the Exile on, the majority of Jews lived not in Palestine but in foreign lands, where they were played upon by alien customs and ideas, and in such a situation continued fealty to the ancestral faith was far more a matter of individual choice than it was in the homeland.
The gang also discusses the benefits of talking to yourself, an exciting new job opportunity from NASA to save the world from aliens, ideas for a new prank call show, WWE trademarking «3:16» and a lot more!
Across the pond, Englishmen like John Mayall, the Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton were «60s epigones of African American music who could somehow mechanically reproduce the sound of the American south, but who apparently had no real idea of what they are playing in that their experience (even as working class whites in an English class system) was entirely alien to the modes and mores of the American south.
Metaphysics for Bergson strives to minimize the mediation of all symbols (like words and concepts), and although metaphysics «claims to dispense with symbols,» it can not dispense with them entirely.13 Hence, since it requires reflection and articulation (in spite of being based on intuition) metaphysics will always be required to genuflect at the door to the sanctuary of the intellect (even though the immediacy of Being, analogous to the Holy Spirit in a Christian sanctuary is supposed to be present in intuition), and it is in the moment of genuflection that the idea of logical necessity infiltrates metaphysics and becomes an unhappy resident alien.
His thesis is that in basing their theologies on philosophies fundamentally alien to Catholicism — Teilhard on «evolutionism» (the idea of evolution raised to the status of a cult) and Rahner on Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger — both these «Catholic» thinkers allowed themselves to be led away from the faith.
The whole idea is totally alien, in a realistic and factual sense, to anything an orthodox Jew, or even any man or woman of sound common sense, could possibly conceive or «develop» in their own human mind.
'' What people need in this situation is hope in the Christian sense of the word, but hope is an alien idea here,» says the renowned organist Masaaki Suzuki, founder and conductor of the Bach Collegium Japan.
The idea that the world was created good and then that evil intruded as an alien element creates «the problem of evil.»
Later in this issue, Professor Zilio - Grandi argues that the primacy of God's love is not an idea completely alien to Muslim theology.
Any attempt to relate ourselves to the historical Jesus in a manner fundamentally alien to the experience of the New Testament church is based on a sophistical idea of history, and ultimately leads us away from the object of the quest.
Far from the imposition of an alien rationalism, such a demand for clarity and comprehensiveness is therefore a necessary desideratum of any interpretive theory, whether in epistemology or in the history of ideas.17 Recognition of the need for such comprehensive and mutually exclusive concepts need not restrict, but can rather uncover possible, if perhaps neglected schemes for both historical and constructive presentation.
The idea that there is sin and conscience is alien to them so the idea of self restraint is not in their vocabulary.
The idea of exclusively autonomous, self - interested and only extrinsically related nation states is alien to the Catholic vision of humanity.
Are we put off by St Theresa of Avila's Interior Castle; the idea of contemplation alien to us?
For the Catholicism of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, however, no adjustment to alien ideas was required.
The Greeks taught the immortality of the soul; the Jews taught the resurrection of the body, an idea alien to the Greek mind at its best.
I don't think the idea that others would have some degree of revelation would have been entirely alien to him.
The earlier idea, in which God was simply alien to the creation, turned God into a static being, with whom everything was «already made»; hence prayer could have no real effect and its practice was nearly impossible — how can one address oneself to self - contained and self - sufficient being with any hope of being heard?
As to whether intelligent alien life exists, certainly Holloway found that idea «thrilling» but there is already more than enough to consider concerning terrestrial life, its evolution and the nature of the human self to warrant its discussion here.
The very idea of perfection has become alien to us.
Nothing is more alien to the thought of St Thomas than the idea of an a priori metaphysics: metaphysics always has to proceed from physics (usia to $ oiko: after / beyond physics), it can never bracket the sphere of physical coming - to - be.
Others, however, like the poet Alfred Tennyson (1809 - 92), who was influenced by the writings of the naturalist Charles Darwin (1809 - 82), see the apparent cruelty of the natural world as alien to the idea of a God of Love.
Why waste valuable time you could be spending doing something else or being with those you love instead of following around false ideas and imaginary beings... Your chances of being abducted by an alien are 100 % more likely to happen than meeting something called «god».
Arsene Wenger needs a striker and whilst he supposedly has a big transfer warchest the idea of spending vast sums of cash on a single player is still alien to the Gunners boss.
In France or Italy, the idea of civic pride in despair would be an alien concept, and it's one of the few things now that can be said to be definitively British.
GR: The question of undocumented alien children who are stopped at the border being brought to Syracuse temporarily — Mayor, was this your idea originally to bring them here, or did someone come to you with this?
Adebayo said «All Progressives Congress is a coalition of different political groups and interests and this is the first time there will be a serious gubernatorial contest under the platfor;, the second term of Ogbeni Aregbesola came at the formative stage of the party hence every interested individual should be allowed to put whatever ideas they have for the growths of the State on the table and allow the party to decide who flies its flags according to the laid down rules of the party's constitution; the zoning should be outrightly jettisoned as it is alien to our party's constitution».
Trying to explain the Fermi paradox by invoking aliens that sleep for aeons is a speculative idea to be taken with a large pinch of salt, says Geraint Lewis
We still have no idea whether any planet beyond Earth harbors life, but that could soon change too: Scientists are increasingly optimistic that they will find evidence of biological activity on an alien planet within the next few years.
This finding supports the idea that the earlier identification of comb jellies in this area was wrong, and that the Arctic comb jelly is found in the Baltic Sea as an Ice Age relic, not as an alien species.
Cluster computing is not a new idea, having found success on desktop computers with projects like SETI@home, which uses idle PCs to search for signs of alien life.
The odds of an alien invasion got a boost from the discovery of vaguely Earth - like planets around other stars, but we still have no idea if alien civilizations exist.
Oddly, however, scientists have a rough idea of what some alien molecules would smell like: many detected so far belong to a class of compounds called aromatics, which are derived from benzene (C6H6) and were originally named for their strong odors.
In view of the ongoing destruction caused by rampant deforestation, the introduction of alien species and climate change — to name but a few of the forces we are unleashing on the planet — the idea that we might deny future generations the opportunity to perform a small act of creation through cloning seems woefully short - sighted.
The Italian monk Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in 1600 for pushing the idea; Galileo was convinced that alien beings lived on Jupiter; and in the late 1700s, Sir William Herschel, who discovered Uranus, wrote of his certainty that the moon must be inhabited.
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