Sentences with phrase «idea of competition»

He adds, carefully: «Like most artists, for me the whole idea of competition is ugly.
Fabian Delph epitomizes modern footballers, and serves as an example that the idea of competition at big clubs is NOT a deterrent.
Echoing the Cuomo administration's stance, Barba and Jones said the idea of competition worked well since it forced people within the given regions to join forces and look at what makes sense along geographic as well as economic lines.
Last I checked, the Senate Republicans were backing Lazio for governor, although they seemed open to the idea of competition prior to the convention at which the former congressman became the party's official designee.
Skelos says he likes the idea of competition, but wants to award the money based on the merits of each entry, and not pit one entire region of the state against another.
While Republicans who control the State Senate raised concerns about the idea of a competition among regions, eventually Cuomo won the day.
Charles Darwin established the idea of competition between organisms to ensure the survival of the fittest.
That left many fearing that Trump intended to toss out the regulatory framework for new drug approvals, raising fears that his idea of competition would allow de facto placebos to compete for market share.
Your delightful dress looks great on you, and the idea of the competition very nice.
I would also recommend reading several profiles of your same sex to get an idea of the competition.
In September 2012, Kelley called Steve Dunbar, director of the American Mathematics Competitions, or AMC, an elite program sponsored by the nonprofit Mathematical Association of America, with the idea of a competition based on AMC problems.
Yet the idea of a competition among states for a fixed sum of money captured media attention.
«We weren't so keen on the merit pay system the state was putting forth because we felt like it advanced the idea of competition between teachers, it wasn't necessarily going to be productive for students and it would encourage students to not share best practices and not cooperate in improving student outcomes,» Dawn told StateImpact.
In a crowded, cutthroat market, promo is hard work and the idea of competition is hardwired into our monkey minds.
This middle grade novel will mesmerize boys who struggle with the idea of competition.
The hilarious part concerns a fringe minority of fanboys, that championned Occulus as some kind of anti-corp venture, wich made them balk at the idea of any competition in the sector, be it from Sony, MS, or any giant entity.
Because of this, we've crowned a «winner» to the oh - so serious console war a year in, and avoid giving credit where it is due because the idea of competition between the two leaves a bad taste in the mouths of fanboys.
Richard Tol's idea of competition with the IPCC is very similar to my own.
Reading the Inside View we've written for each firm will serve as a starting point for understanding where they fit into the market; read many of them and you'll have an idea of the competition firms are up against and how they do things differently.
The plugin also shows how many people have applied for each job, giving you an idea of competition.
When we're all floating around in the same basket that's not my idea of competition — it's just one crowd going up and down that's depending too much on hot air!
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