Sentences with phrase «idea of god»

She also can not give up on the Christian idea of god as it would cause many of her flock to flee.
The whole point was the absurd idea of any god who wanted his word to be spread in the world but chose to only be understood in a single language.
I don't believe because the very idea of a god doesn't make sense to me.
And who's idea of god do we use when reaching these «scientific» conclusions?
Second, the usual idea of God in the culture, and also in the churches, was of an external personal being, interfering from without, and particularly connected with restrictive sexual morality.
Since those process categories have been connected with ideas of God inspired by the Bible, process theologians believe there is a chance in the twenty - first century to bring the long separated parts of human understanding into a new, coherent relationship.
Therefore, we focus on several ideas of God which may appear objectionable.
Indeed, no one has more fiercely criticized our established ideas and symbols of God than Whitehead himself, and apparently the wrath of this gentle man was aroused only by ideas of God.
The truth is that by taking the Jewish idea of God at its best and by treating this idea with thoroughgoing moral seriousness, sloughing off hostile adhesions and limitations, Jesus achieved a consequence so new as to be revolutionary.
The Christian ideas of God as loving father and the oneness of all men under him have an effect on one's life only if they become essential ingredients in one's convictions, at the nucleus of one's being, about the meaning of existence.
But since the whole idea of God can neither be proved nor disproved, we can only talk about religion in the language of personal belief.
In reading these sections, it is obvious that Whitehead inserted material to abolish one category and introduces the new idea of God as the source of the initial aim.
No wonder that many people — perhaps you yourself — face as their central problem, not is there a God, but what idea of God am I either believing or disbelieving?
Scientists of the stature of Einstein, though they reject traditional ideas of God, have called for a religious response of wonder and awe in the face of the cosmic mysteries.
Maimonides» attempt to expunge anthropomorphism thus can not be reconciled with this biblical idea of a God who showed an impassioned love for one particular human being and his descendants.
I will feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I overcame a fear based idea of god as a personality in outer space.
We like to project a particular idea of god as some version of Jupiter, rather than acknowledge that is realistically an abstract concept (a collection of ideas, ideal types, etc).
So the very idea of God reduces people to slavery and is essentially antihuman.
But if it were accepted, would there be anything left of the classical idea of God as omnipotent besides the term?
I'm a little newer than you in my journey away from organized religion and while I may get to where you are, I'm trying not to throw the entire idea of God out the window along with organized religion.
CNN: Einstein letter, set for auction, shows scientist challenging idea of God, being «chosen» Decades before atheist scientist and author Richard Dawkins called God a «delusion,» one world - renowned physicist — Albert Einstein — was weighing in on faith matters with his own strong words.
The next expression of Wieman's thinking of significance for this study appears in The Christian Century for February 14, 1929, under the title «A Workable Idea of God
It is difficult for us to understand the non-theistic notion of Buddhism because the personalistic idea of God plays such a fundamental part in our Western logic.
It adopts much the same outlook on the world as Hinduism does, but without any clear idea of God or gods, thus adding nihilism into the bargain.
To envisage God in physical form, though it may be a useful step in childhood or for the beginner, if persisted in encourages a false idea of God and is a deterrent to inner spiritual fellowship.
But to the man whose idea of God is nebulous to the point of negligibility the invocation of «God's Law» is quite meaningless.
The interesting thing is that you get elite scientists who still believe in the classic idea of God (apparently about 5 % of them do).
dvdrichards1115 You're right, God could be real, but the typical idea of God held by Bible - literalists is just too full of contradictions and paradoxes to logically exist.
He finds all philosophical ideas of God resistant to the Biblical understanding of a God who acts selectively in history.
Whitehead is protesting against some of our inherited ideas of God on both religious and metaphysical grounds.
The pioneer movement of A.A. was more certain that God was the source of their recovery, but as the movement proceeded, various ideas of God proliferated, some good, some nonsensical.
Like all the rest of us, they start with childish ideas of God — a venerable bookkeeper, with white flowing beard, standing behind a high desk and writing down everybody's bad deeds.
Instead of measuring historical ideas of God by nonhistorical standards (as creeds, principles, and definitions tend to be), one ought to measure what the Bible says by using a historical norm.
A peoples idea of God determines its relationship with God and its idea of itself; so a religion is also a people's concept of itself.
And while so many understand the basic idea of God as a Shepherd, there are far too many weary, aching, exhausted sheep to show any evidence that we have collectively allowed our lives to be restored in any meaningful way by the all - too - familiar Shepherd.
The development of Whitehead's idea of God occurred only gradually in his writings.
To better understand God we must first shatter our own idea of God - maybe even day after day.
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